圣诞儿歌大全第13集 圣诞歌曲Calypso Carol



说到圣诞歌曲,你脑海里第一个出现的是什么?我说是Calypso Carol。没听过的跟着我们的Calypso Carol儿歌视频一起听听吧!

Calypso Carol歌词:

See him alying on a bed of straw

Draughty stable with an open door

Mary cradling the babe she bore
The prince of glory is his name

Oh now carry me to bethlehem
To see the lord appear to men

Just as poor as was the stable then

The prince of glory when he came

Star of silver sweeps across the skies
Show where jesus in the manger lies

Shepherds swiftly from your stupor rise

To see the saviour of the world

Oh now carry me to bethlehem
To see the lord appear to men

Just as poor as was the stable then

The prince of glory when he came

Angels sing the song you sang again

Bring god's glory to the heart of man

Sing bethlehem's little baby can

Be salvation to the soul

Oh now carry me to bethlehem
To see the lord appear to men

Just as poor as was the stable then

The prince of glory when he came

Mine are riches from your poverty
From your innocence eternity
Mine forgiveness by thy death for me

Child of sorrow for my joy

Oh now carry me to bethlehem
To see the lord appear to men

Just as poor as was the stable then

The prince of glory when he came

The prince of glory when he came





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