

英文儿歌大全第54集 5 little monkeys儿歌



five little money五只小猴子床上蹦蹦跳是首英文儿歌,画面诙谐搞笑,歌词简单朗朗上口,用five little money儿歌来教宝宝英语口语是再合适不过了。跟着我们的fivelittlemonkeys视频学起来吧!

five little money歌词

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed."

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed."

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed."

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed."

One little monkeys jumping on the bed

He fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed."





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