儿歌who took the cookie

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Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?谁把饼干从饼干盒里拿走了?一首游戏性非常强的英文儿歌,几个小伙伴一起玩不仅趣味性强还能让大家都能记住这些单词。那接下来我们就把这首Cookie jar英语儿歌学起来吧!

Who took the cookie儿歌歌词:

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? [Tanja] took the cookie from the cookie jar.

Who me? (student points to herself)

Yes you! (students nod their heads "yes")

Not me! (student shakes her head "no")

Then who? (everyone shrugs their shoulders)

Troy! ([Tanja] points at [Troy])

(Make a rhythm with everyone patting their legs and clapping their hands to the beat. Pat, clap, pat, clap, pat, clap)

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?[Troy] took the cookie from the cookie jar.

Who me? (student points to himself)

Yes you! (students nod their heads "yes")

Not me! (student shakes his head "no")

Then who? (everyone shrugs their shoulders)

Knocky! ([Troy] points at [Knocky])

(Make a rhythm with everyone patting their legs and clapping their hands to the beat. Pat, clap, pat, clap, pat, clap)

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

[Knocky] took the cookie from the cookie jar.

Who me? (student points to herself)

Yes you! (students nod their heads "yes")

Not me! (student shakes her head "no")

Then who? (everyone shrugs their shoulders)

Devon! ([Knocky] points at [Devon])

(Make a rhythm with everyone patting their legs and clapping their hands to the beat. Pat, clap, pat, clap, pat, clap)

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

[Devon] took the cookie from the cookie jar.

Who me? (student points to himself)

Yes you! (students nod their heads "yes")

Okay, okay...I took the cookie!



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