The hokey pokey shake儿歌

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The hokey pokey shake与其说是一个英文儿歌,还不如说是一个幼儿园里面经常玩的小游戏。今天我们就跟着the hokey pokey shake视频舞动身体玩起来吧!

The hokey pokey shake歌词

Hey everybody. It's time to do the Hokey Pokey!
Make a BIIIIIG circle.
You put one hand in. (Put one hand in the circle.)
One hand out. (Put that hand out of the circle.)
One hand in. (Put the hand back into the circle.)
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. (Shake your hand.)
You do the Hokey Pokey (Spin and dance) and turn around?Everybody turn around. (Turn around in a circle.)
You put two hands in.
Two hands out.
Two hands in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and clap your hands.
Everybody clap your hands.
You put one foot in.
One foot out.
One foot in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and sit down.
Everybody please sit down.
You put two feet in.
Two feet out.
Two feet in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and stand up.
Everybody please stand up.
You put your head in.
Your head out.?Your head in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You to the Hokey Pokey and sing a song.
La la la la la la!
You put your backside in.
Your backside out.
Your backside in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and be quiet.
Everybody please be quiet. Shh!
You put your whole self in.
Your whole self out.
Your whole self in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and take a bow. Everybody take a bow.


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