rise and shine英文儿歌

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rise and shine英文儿歌,歌词简单,旋律轻快,非常适合在学习英语的小朋友学习,他们刚开始学习英语,对于单词的发音是十分重要的,能起到一个及时 矫正发音的作用。接下来跟着rise and shine英文儿歌视频一起来学习这首英文儿歌吧!
rise and shine英文儿歌歌词:
Rise and shine, and give God the glory, glory.
Rise and shine, and give God the glory, glory.
Rise and shine, and give God the glory, glory.
Children of the Lord.
The Lord said : "Noah,There's gonna be a floody, floody ".
The Lord said : "Noah,There's gonna be a floody, floody ".
Get your children out of the muddy, muddy.
Children of the Lord .
So ,Noah,he went out,And he built an arky ,arky.
Noah,he went out,and he built an arky,arky,
Made it out of hickory barky,barky,
Children of the lord.


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