资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Hi there! Who are you? l'm a clown fish. We are very colorful fish! Whese do you live? Clown fish live in the ocean. We like warm water. We swim near rocks and reefs. What do you eat? Clown fish
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Hello up there! Who are you? l'm a green iguana. lguanas are a type of lizard. Where do you live? We live in warm places like Central America. The rain forest is our home. like your spines. Our spines
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Hello! Who are you? l'm a humpback whale. We are large sea mammals. Where do you live? Humpback whales live in the ocean. We travel very far every year. Where do you travel? We live in cold water in t
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Hi there! Who are you? l'm a moose. Moose are the biggest kind of deer. Where do you live? Moose live in cold parts of the world. We like forests. We stay near lakes, ponds, or streams. Can you swim?
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Good evening. Who are you? I'm a red fox. Red foxes are mammals. We look like dogs. Where do you live? Red foxes live all over the world. We like forests. But we also live in cities and deserts.
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Good morning! Who are you? I'm a groundhog. Groundhogs are big rodents. We're also called woodchucks. Where do you live? We live near fields and meadows. We usually stay close to forests. What do you
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Yikes! Who are you? I'm an American alligator. Alligators are large reptiles. Where do you live? We live in the United States. We like warm water. We swim in rivers, lakes, and swamps. What do you eat
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Hello! Who are you? I'm a sea lion. We are sea mammals. Where do you live? Most sea lions live near the Pacific Ocean. We live along the coast. We also live on islands. You look like a seal. We
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Hello! Who are you? l'm a brown pelican. We are large seabirds. Whese do you live? Brown pelicans live in North America. We live along the coast. We like the ocean. Where do you lay eggs? We mak
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Hello! Who are you? l'm a bottlenose dolphin. Dolphins are mammals. We're also very smart. Whese do you live? We live all over the world. We like tropical oceans. Can you breathe underwater? No.
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Hi there! Who are you? l'm an ostrich. l'm the biggest bird in the world. Whese do you live? We live in Africa. We like the savanna and the desert. Do you have wings? Yes. We have wings. But we
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Hi there! Who are you? I'm a polar bear. l'm a mammal. Whese do you live? We live around the Arctic Ocean. We like the ice along the coast. Arctic is cold! Our thick fur keeps us warm. Even our
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Oh! Hello! Who are you? l'm a grasshopper. We are insects that jump! Where do you live? We live all over the world. We like forests and fields. What do you eat? Grasshoppers eat plants. We eat l
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 You're pretty! Who are you? I'm a monarch butterfly. Butterflies are insects. Where do you live? We stay near a plant called milkweed. We live in North America in spring and summer. In the fall we fly away.
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Hi there! Who are you? I'm a baboon. Baboons are large monkeys. Where do you live? We live in Africa and Arabia. We like forests and savannas. What do you eat? We eat plants and meat. We like fr
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Hello! Who are you? l'm a turkey vulture. We are raptors. Raptors are birds that hunt for food. Where do you live? We live in North America. We like open places like fields. What do you eat? Tur
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Wow! Who are you? I'm a manatee. We are big mammals. You live in the sea, right? Manatees live in oceans and rivers. We like warm water. So we move to stay warm. What do you eat? We eat lots of
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Hello! Who are you? I'm a cottontail rabbit. Cottontails are mammals with long ears. Where do you live? Cottontails live in North and South America. We like open fields and meadows. What do you eat? C
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Hello! Who are you? l'm a sea otter. Sea otters are a type of weasel. Where do you live? Sea otters live in the Pacific Ocean. We live in North America and Asia. Do you ever go on land? Sea otters go
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Good afternoon! Who are you? I'm called a white rhinoceros. But white rhinos are actually gray. We're very big land mammals. Where do you live? Most white rhinos live in South Africa. We like grassy plains.