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  • Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree小熊维尼和蜜蜂树英文绘本PDF+音频免费下载
    Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree小熊维尼和蜜蜂树英文绘本PDF+音频免费下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 Like most small boys, Christopher Robin has toy animals to play with, and they all live together in a wonderful world of make-believe. But his best friend is a bear called Winnie the-Pooh, or Pooh for short. 像大多数小男孩一样,克里斯托弗·罗宾有玩具动物可以玩,他们都生活在一个奇妙的虚拟世界里。但是他最好的朋友是一只叫做小熊维尼的熊。 Winnie-the-Pooh lived in an enchanted forest under the name of " Sanders, " whic

  • Mother Goose鹅妈妈英文绘本PDF+音频免费下载
    Mother Goose鹅妈妈英文绘本PDF+音频免费下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 THE QUEEN OF HEARTS The queen of hearts, She made some tarts, All on a summer's day. The knave of hearts, He stole those tarts, And with them ran away The king of hearts Called for those tarts, And beat the knave full sore ; The knave of hearts Brought back those tarts, And said he'd steal no more. 红心皇后 红心皇后,她做了一些馅饼,都是在夏天做的。红心武士,他偷了那些馅饼,带着它们跑了。红

  • The Story Of Pinocchio匹诺曹的故事英文绘本PDF+音频免费下载
    The Story Of Pinocchio匹诺曹的故事英文绘本PDF+音频免费下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 Have you ever wondered if wishes really do come true? Well, they do! And I, Jiminy Cricket, have seen it happen! Here, let me tell you about it. One starry night my travels took me to a tiny shop owned by Geppetto the woodcarve. 你有没有想过愿望真的会实现吗?嗯,他们有!而我,蟋蟀吉米尼,目睹了这一切!来,我给你讲讲。一个星光灿烂的夜晚,我的旅行带我去了木雕师格培多开的一家小商店。 I sneaked under the door and saw old Geppetto

  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs白雪公主和七个小矮人英文绘本PDF+音频免费下载
    Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs白雪公主和七个小矮人英文绘本PDF+音频免费下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 ONCE UPON A TIME, long, long ago, a lovely Queen sat by her window sewing. As she worked she thought, " If only I had a little daughter, how happy I would be. " Dreaming, she pricked her finger with her needle. Three drops of blood fell on the snow-white linen. 很久很久以前,一位可爱的女王坐在窗边缝纫。当她工作时,她想:“如果我有一个小女儿,我会多么幸福。”做梦时,她用针扎破了手指。三滴血落在雪白的亚麻布上。 " How lovely my

  • Bambi小鹿斑比英文绘本PDF+音频免费下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 It was Spring, and the forest was alive with news. Every- one was excited. " It' s happened! " " Have you heard?" " Over in the thicket! " " Come and see! " A magpie flew by old Owl, who was taking his daily nap. " Wake up, Friend Owl! The young Prince is born! Come on! You'd better hurry! 春天到了,森林里充满了新闻。每个人都很兴奋。“事情已经发生了!”“你听说了吗?”“在灌木丛里!”“来看看!"一只喜鹊从老猫头鹰身边飞过,

  • Cinderella灰姑娘英文绘本PDF+音频免费下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 Once upon a time, in a tiny kingdom, there was a gentle and lovely girl named Cinderella. She lived with her cruel stepmother and two ugly stepsisters. They were jealous of Cinderella's goodness and beauty, and made her work night and day. The mice and the birds were Cinderella's only friends. 从前,在一个小小的王国里,有一个温柔可爱的女孩,名叫灰姑娘。她和残忍的继母以及两个丑陋的继姐妹住在一起。他们嫉妒灰姑娘的善良和美

  • Cinderella绘本故事PDF+音频百度云下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 Once upon a time in a far-away land lived a sweet and pretty girl named Cinderella. She made her' home with her mean old stepmother and her two, stepsisters, an.d they made her do al[ the work in the house. 从前,在一个遥远的地方住着一个可爱的女孩,名叫灰姑娘。她和刻薄的老继母以及她的两个继姐妹住在一起,他们让她做所有的家务。 Cinderella cooked and baked. She cleaned an,d scrubbed. She had no time left for part

  • Lady And The Tramp英文绘本PDF+音频百度云下载
    Lady And The Tramp英文绘本PDF+音频百度云下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 One snowy Christmas, Darling received a very special gift from her husband. She unwrapped the brightly wrapped box, and out popped a beautiful little puppy! "Oh, Jim Dear, she's beautiful! I think I'll call her Lady." 一个下雪的圣诞节,达林收到了丈夫送的一份非常特别的礼物。她打开包装鲜艳的盒子,里面蹦出一只漂亮的小狗!“哦,亲爱的吉姆,她真漂亮!我想我会叫她女士。” Lady had found a very happy home with Darling and Jim Dear.

  • Alice in Wonderland爱丽丝梦游仙境英文绘本PDF+音频百度云下载
    Alice in Wonderland爱丽丝梦游仙境英文绘本PDF+音频百度云下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 Do you know where Wonderland is? It' s the place you visit in your dreams— that strange and wondrous land where nothing is as it seems. Alice learned all about Wonderland one warm golden afternoon when she fell asleep under a cool, shady tree. 你知道仙境在哪里吗?这是你在梦中参观的地方——那片陌生而神奇的土地,那里没有任何事物看起来是那样的。一个温暖的金色下午,爱丽丝在一棵阴凉的树下睡着了,她了解了仙境的一切。 The first strange thing

  • 101 Dalmations101忠狗英文绘本PDF+音频百度云下载
    101 Dalmations101忠狗英文绘本PDF+音频百度云下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 Lucky Puppy lived with his father, Pongo, and bis mother, Perdita, and w]th a][ his sisters and b'rothe:rs. The people who belonged to them were Roger and Anita and Nanny Cook. (That's Nanny Cook in the doorway above.) 幸运的小狗和他的父亲彭哥、母亲佩迪塔以及他的姐妹和兄弟们住在一起。属于他们的人是罗杰、安妮塔和保姆库克。(上面门口的是保姆库克。) Here are Penny and Lenny and Salter and Pepper,Jolly and Rolly and P

  • Peter Pan彼得潘英文原著绘本PDF+音频百度云下载
    Peter Pan彼得潘英文原著绘本PDF+音频百度云下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 It is a beautiful night in London. Mrs. Darling puts her children to bed. ”Good night,my babies,” says Mrs. Darling.” Look, Mommy! Here are some leaves. They fell off Peter Pan’s suit,” says Wendy. “Who is Peter Pan?” asks Mrs. Darling. ”He lives in Neverland and he can fly,” answers Wendy. Mrs. Darling smiles. She doesn’t believe Peter Pan is a real boy. 故

  • The Three Little Pigs英文绘本故事PDF+音频资源下载
    The Three Little Pigs英文绘本故事PDF+音频资源下载

    适合年龄 3岁+ 绘本节选 Once upon a time there were Three Little Pigs who went out into the big world to build their homes and seek their fortunes. Their names were Fifer Pig, Fiddler Pig and Practical Pig. Fifer Pig did not like to work at all. So he built himself a quick and easy house of straw. 很久以前,有三只小猪来到这个大世界,建造他们的家园,寻找他们的财富。它们的名字分别是Fifer Pig, Fiddler Pig 和 Practical Pig。肥猪根

  • Mary Poppins迪士尼英文绘本PDF+音频资源下载
    Mary Poppins迪士尼英文绘本PDF+音频资源下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 Hello, there! My name is Bert. I ' m sort of a man-about- town, you might say. I do what suits me — sell kites, clean chimneys, or paint pictures on sidewalks. Today it suits me to be a one-man-band. Why don't you come with me? London is grand this time of year! 你好啊,我叫伯特。你可能会说,我有点像城里人。我做适合我的事情——卖风筝、清理烟囱,或者在人行道上画画。今天我适合做一个人乐队。你为什么不和我一起去?每年这个时候伦敦都很壮观! W

  • Sleeping Beauty睡美人英文绘本PDF+音频免费下载
    Sleeping Beauty睡美人英文绘本PDF+音频免费下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 In a far away land, long ago, lived King Stefan and his fair Queen. One day a daughter was born and they called her Aurora. They named her after the dawn, for she filled their lives with sunshine. 很久以前,在一个遥远的地方,住着斯特凡国王和他美丽的王后。一天,一个女儿出生了,他们称她为奥罗拉。他们以黎明命名她,因为她让他们的生活充满阳光。 From near and far the people came, Winging their gifts, to celebrate the royal birt

  • Rainbow Brite and the Big Color Mixup绘本PDF+音频免费下载
    Rainbow Brite and the Big Color Mixup绘本PDF+音频免费下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 Far away at the end of the rainbow, there is a magical place called Rainbow Land. Rainbow Brite, her horse Starlite, the Color Kids, and all the little sprites live there. 在遥远的彩虹尽头,有一个神奇的地方叫彩虹之地。彩虹布里特,她的马:斯卡莱特,彩色孩子,和所有的小精灵住在那里。 Come and meet the Color Kids. Buddy Blue loves sports. He is always organizing teams and activities. He is in charge of the c

  • Rainbow Brite and the Brook Meadow Deer迪士尼绘本PDF+音频免费下载
    Rainbow Brite and the Brook Meadow Deer迪士尼绘本PDF+音频免费下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 There's a wonderful place on earth called Brook Meadow. It' s filled with rolling hills and tall shade trees. Beautiful flowers blossom along the banks of a cool blue stream. Because of its lush green grass, Brook Meadow is a favorite spot for deer and other animals to eat and play. 地球上有一个很棒的地方,叫做小溪草地。这里到处都是起伏的山丘和高大的树荫。美丽的花朵沿着凉爽的蓝色溪流绽放。由于绿草如茵,布鲁克草甸是鹿和其他动物最喜

  • Rainbow Brite Saves Spring原版绘本PDF+音频免费下载
    Rainbow Brite Saves Spring原版绘本PDF+音频免费下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 At the very end of the rainbow, where some people say that pots of gold. are foun,d, there is a wonderful place called Rainbow Land. Gold or not, one thing is certain. Rainbow Land is the place where colors are born ... and it's the home of Rainbow Britet 在彩虹的尽头,有人说是金罐。有一个奇妙的地方叫彩虹之地。不管是不是黄金,有一点是肯定的。彩虹之地是色彩诞生的地方...这是彩虹布利特的家 Rainbow Brite is a lovable l

  • The Get Along Gang and the New Neighbor绘本PDF+音频免费下载
    The Get Along Gang and the New Neighbor绘本PDF+音频免费下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 秋天一个清爽的星期一早晨,相处组沿着马路匆匆赶往学校。该团伙的一名成员,鲁德亚德狮子,被拖在其他人后面。蒙哥马利·穆斯回头朝鲁德亚德喊道。“来吧,”蒙哥马利说。“我们迟到了。” 鲁德亚德·狮子在绿草地只住了几个星期。他是来自另一个国家的访问学生,一个遥远的国家。鲁德亚德喜欢绿色草地和他的新朋友,但他想家。 鲁德亚德住在蒙哥马利的家里,所以蒙哥马利知道老谋深算的鲁德亚德很难过。蒙哥马利说:“下周六是莉莉生日,他以前从来没有离开过家。"“我知道我们能为mal^e做些什么,让他感觉好些,”多蒂狗说. "我会在课间休息时告诉大家。" 课间休息时,这帮人聚在一起听多蒂的主意,“星期六,”她说,“我们将在俱乐部为鲁德亚德举办一个生日聚会。但是不要告诉他。这将是一个惊喜。”就在这时宾果海狸在校园里看

  • 《I Like My Hair》绘本翻译及PDF电子版资源下载
    《I Like My Hair》绘本翻译及PDF电子版资源下载

    适合年龄: 5岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的资源是RAZ分级阅读绘本D级中的一本《I Like My Hair》,翻译成中文名为:我喜欢我的头发,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可。 RAZ的全称是“Reading A-Z”,它是一套教授英语阅读的教材,是美国1万多所学校采用的在线分级阅读资源。中国大部分的国际学校也都是RAZ的忠实用户。 RAZ按难度分为27个级别,AA—C这4个级别对应幼儿园阶段; D—J这7个级别对应美国小学一年级;K—P这6个级别对应美国小学二年级;Q—T这4个级别对应美国小学三年级;U—W这3个级别对应美国小学四年级;X—Z对应美国小学五六年级(相当于国内高中毕业)。 每个级别中的绘本难度差不多,由于分级比较多,每个级别跨度也比较小,这样每次进入下一个级别都不会让孩子

  • The Get Along Gang and the Big Bully绘本故事PDF+音频资源下载
    The Get Along Gang and the Big Bully绘本故事PDF+音频资源下载

    适合年龄 6岁左右 绘本节选 One hot summer day inGreen Meadow, the GetAlong Gang decided to goswimming.Asthey waitedin their clubhouse foreveryone t.o show up, RoccoRabbit opened the frontdoor and started off.M·ontgomery Moose calledafter him. < 在绿草地的一个炎热的夏天,相处组决定去游泳。当他们在俱乐部里等待所有人出现时,罗科·兔子打开前门出发了。蒙托梅·穆斯在他身后喊道。< <等一下,罗科。“宾戈·比弗不在这里”“哦,他知道路。让他赶上来。但就在这时,宾果来了,所有的人都兴奋地出发去秘密游泳。