DK《Help Your Kids with English》PDF电子书免费下载 简介: 这本直观的参考书将带您学习英语的所有不同部分,从而随时准备帮助孩子解决最棘手的问题。 卡罗尔·沃德曼(Carol Vorderman)独特的学习帮助鼓励父母和孩子组成一个团队,共同理解和使用英语的各个方面,包括语法,标点和拼写。畅销书《帮助您的孩子》系列中的最新标题结合了图片,图表,说明和示例,涵盖了学校教学大纲的各个组成部分,同时建立了知识,增强了信心并帮助理解。 添加下方公众号即可免费获取DK《Help Your Kids with English》PDF电子书网盘资源>>>
DK《Help Your Kids with Computer Science》PDF电子书免费下载 简介: 1.教科书通常喜欢强调解题技巧,对于观念的解说比较薄弱,本套书正可以弥补这个缺点;它运用生动、全彩的图片,浅显易懂的解说,将数学、科学的基础观念正确地传达给读者。 2. 以「图解」解说单调的内容,帮助读者能快速地理解,进而培养出札实的解题技巧。 3. 相信有许多家长都和小编一样,远离学习已有一段时间,即使平时想要充实一下英语数学知识,也往往找不到适当的参考书籍。在此要郑重向各位推荐这套DK Help Your Kids with系列,它不仅能帮您快速恢复求学时时期学习英语、数学、科学的记忆,同时还可帮您厘请许多英语、数学、科学观念!
All I Want For Christmas Is You儿童节日歌曲背单词内容: 歌手:Lady Antebellum 适合年龄:3-9岁 I don't want a lot for Christmas There is just one thing I need I don't care about presents Underneath1 the Christmas tree I just want you for my own More than you could ever know Make my wish come true... All I want for Christmas Is you... baby You, baby
I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day儿童节日歌曲背单词内容: 歌手:Casting Crowns 适合年龄:3-9岁 I heard the bells on Christmas day Their old familiar carols play And mild and sweet their songs repeat Of peace on earth good will to men And the bells are ringing Like a choir1 they're singing In my heart I hear them Peace on earth, good will to men And
Frosty the Snowman儿童节日歌曲背单词内容: 歌手:《雪孩子》 适合年龄:3-9岁 Frosty the Snowman是一首经典的圣诞歌曲,也是一个流传久远的西方圣诞故事,这部创作于1969年的同名美国动画片正是根据这个故事改编的。如果你看过上世纪七~八十年代我国广受好评的动画片《雪孩子》,相信一定会在这个故事里再次找到似曾相识的感觉。 Frosty The Snowman Lyrics1 歌词 Frosty the snowman was a jolly2 happy soul, With a corncob pipe and a button nose And two eyes made out of coal. Frosty the snowman is a f
Cute Animal Christmas Song儿童节日歌曲背单词内容: 歌手:Jonah Lewie 适合年龄:3-9岁 Cute Animal Christmas Song动物齐唱 《Stop the Cavalry》原唱是Jonah Lewie,这首动物齐唱的版本对歌词有稍作改写,发音也比较模糊一些,但是看视频里每个动物的“唱歌”的时候,才知道,生物都过圣诞节。 Hey, Mr. Churchill comes over here To say we're doing splendidly But it's very cold out here in the snow Marching to win from the enemy Oh, I say it's to
DK《Help Your Kids with Math》PDF电子书免费下载 简介: 您的小朋友是否听到 "数学" 就感到害怕?您是否发现小朋友的数学课本就连你都觉得难以理解?《DK Help Your Kids with Maths》将协助每一位家长运用爱与趣味的教导方式,帮自己的孩子建立学习数学的兴趣与自信心!本书作者运用启发性的视觉化教学技巧,结合学校课本没有的生动多彩的图表与插图,每一步运算过程皆辅以清楚易懂的详实解说,让数学不再只是冷冰冰的数字运算! 透过本书创新的图解教材,相信每一位父母都能够轻松理解课程的内容,并进而引导孩子,同心协力解开任何数学的刁钻难题。本书内容涵括 1 ~ 9 年级的基础数学课程,从基本的算术到几何,以及代数、资料统计与机率等等。 添加
Joy To The World儿童节日歌曲背单词内容: 歌手:Georg Friedrich Handel 适合年龄:3-9岁 圣诞节新年英语儿歌:Joy To The World普世欢腾 (Joy To The World普世欢腾 儿歌动画版)是一首极受人们欢迎和喜爱的圣诞颂歌。曲调原名为《安提阿》(Antioch),是梅森运用亨德尔(Georg Friedrich Handel, 1685-1759)的清唱剧《弥赛亚》(Messiah)中第17曲合唱唱段《荣耀归主》(Glory to god in the highest)中的一些主题改编而来,创作于1839年。梅森编成的这首新的赞美诗曲调,传递着欢乐和爱代替罪恶和悲哀的欢腾之情。 英语歌词: Joy to the world, the Lord
The Little Drummer Boy儿童节日歌曲背单词内容: 歌手:Jakson 5 适合年龄:3-9岁 圣诞节新年英语儿歌:The Little Drummer Boy小鼓手 The Little Drummer Boy 最初名为《Carol of the Drum鼓之颂歌》,由美国古典音乐老师、音乐家Katherine Kennicott Davis 作于1941年,是一首非常流行的圣诞节歌曲。这里是Jakson 5版本,(很多人知道迈克尔.杰克逊,不知道Jakson 5, Jakson 5的主唱就是童年时代的MJ天王) 英语歌词 : Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pum A new born King to see, pa rum pum p
DK《Help Your Kids with Music》PDF电子书百度网盘免费下载 简介: 音乐理论是一个循序渐进的音乐指导。帮助孩子听音乐是帮助学生在音乐中获得坚实基础的完美入门,不管他们的年龄、技术水平或乐器。 帮助孩子学习音乐在五个分步章节中清晰地解释了关键概念: 基础知识解释了乐器的类型,键盘和弦乐乐器的符号,“音乐字母表”, 以及节拍的计数。节奏包括音符和休止符的长度,以及基本的节奏和韵律、 短语、切分音、节奏和使用节拍器。音调和旋律包括学生需要了解的关于 音调的一切,以及它们是如何共同构建旋律的。和弦和声展示了音程是 如何协同工作的,包括喇叭和木管乐器的例子。形式和解释帮助学生理解 音乐形式如何帮助欣赏和诠
DK《Help Your kids with Science》PDF电子书百度网盘免费下载 简介: 继《用数学帮助孩子》取得成功之后,《用科学帮助孩子》是一种全面且无压力的科学方法。 凭借清晰的图形、一目了然的图表和亲切、无行话的文本——涵盖生物学、化学和物理学的所有重要领域——《用科学帮助你的孩子》是儿童和成人学习最复杂科学问题的绝佳资源。 信心。 无论是使用元素周期表、三运动定律,还是试图解释极性和磁场,《用科学帮助您的孩子》对父母来说都是一个很好的资源。 用科学帮助您的孩子还包括关键科学术语和符号的词汇表。 添加下方二维码即可免费获取DK《Help Your kids with Science》PDF电子书文档资源>>>
牛津阅读树 Read at Home30本PDF内容介绍: 牛津树树干部分被横向一分为二,下半部分是1-9阶,为整个牛津阅读树的核心部分,围绕Kipper一家的故事展开,主要是学习自然拼读,到逐渐培养孩子自主阅读能力的阶段。《牛津阅读树》点读版就是1-9阶这一部分,共406本。 而树干上半部是10-16阶,称为TreeTops,属于高阶阅读。此时孩子的阅读水平已经达到树顶,可以从容自主地阅读更丰富的内容,继续扩大自己的词汇量和知识面。 1 阶:自然拼读发音入门 1阶共12本无字书,只有图。主要为了让孩子熟悉不同环境的环境音、拟声词,培养语音意识,为音素意识的培养、自然拼读的学习做前期的准备。 这12本书分别描绘了在农场、公园、城镇、商场、学校、海边、派对、音乐会等12个不同地点里发生的故事,涵盖了38个生活场景。
美语烘焙屋ABC Bakery 1-4季PDF部分内容: 美语烘焙屋ABC Bakery 1-4季是一款非常适合幼儿园阶段、小学阶段学习的家庭美语课程,专业的外教教学,帮助提高宝宝的各项英语能力。 如需下载完整版可以扫描下方二维码即可免费获取美语烘焙屋ABC Bakery 1-4季PDF百度网盘免费下载电子版↓↓↓
The Horrible Face (2)原版英文小故事内容: Mitchell continued his search for the dry milk. He found it next to the imported tea, and then walked quickly to the checkout counter. He hoped that he could check out fast, because if that woman finished her shopping and then stood in line behind him, he would simply walk out of the store without buying anything. The checker slowly rang up his bill
The Horrible Face (1)原版英文小故事内容: Mitchell was looking for the Instant Dry Milk in Ralphs. He had started buying dry milk two months ago. Packaged in a box weighing only 1? pounds, dry milk tastes and costs the same as regular nonfat milk. Plus, it is a lot lighter to carry than liquid milk. He couldn’t find it on the aisle with the unrefrigerated soy milk, so he walked to the next
The Refund (2)原版英文小故事内容: The checker called the bag girl over, who went back to aisle 4 to do a price check. She returned shortly; $5.32 was indeed the correct price. The checker gave Delbert 64 cents to cover the overcharge and the tax. He told her that he thought he was supposed to get the item free if Ralfs overcharged him for it. She said, “Oh, we don’t do that anymore.”
The Refund (1)原版英文小故事内容: Delbert figured the bill would be a little over $15. He had bought seven Hershey’s Special Dark 5-ounce chocolate bars. They were on sale, reduced from $1.49 to $1 each. He had studied the various deals on toilet paper. You need a calculator to figure out what the best deal is, he muttered as he looked at each price tag beneath each item. Knowing that the
Shut Your Mouth原版英文小故事内容: “Shut your mouth,” Ginger said as she looked at Errol. He was looking at a green parrot squawking in a tree. “I didn’t even say anything,” he objected. She knew that he hadn’t said anything; she meant that his mouth was hanging half open. “You do that all the time,” she said. “You look silly. Sometimes I look around to see if people are looking
TSA’s New Policy (1)原版英文小故事内容: Cher called her supervisor. He tried to explain the situation to teary-eyed Brooke. He told her that the Transportation Security Administration couldn’t take a chance on Brooke boarding the plane. “For all we know,” he said, “your breast could actually be a deadly bomb in disguise. Once you get on board, all you have to do is pull on that ring to det
TSA’s New Policy (1)原版英文小故事内容: Brooke was pulled out of the line at LAX because bells rang as she walked through the airport metal detector. Young and pretty, Brooke had body piercings in her nose, tongue, eyebrows, and ears. Brooke was escorted to a private room by Cher, a female agent from the Transportation Security Administration. She watched as Brooke removed all her rings an