US Passports Outsourced原版英文小故事内容: The federal government has decided that it’s too expensive to print US passports in the US. Starting later this year, the government will send all passports to Thailand. A printing company in Thailand will print all US passports at a significant savings to the US taxpayer. A radio ad in Los Angeles proclaims that a citizen’s identity is stolen
The Demanding Son原版英文小故事内容: Luke didn’t know what to do. He wanted to yell at Kyle, his fiancée’s son, because Kyle continued to argue with his mom. She didn’t even demand very much from him—“Study hard, get the best grades you can,” she told him. She tried to get it into his head that she didn’t have the money to pay for his college education. Not a cent. Instead of studying hard
A Practical Joke原版英文小故事内容: On, a “Sheldon” wrote that he was moving. “I’m starting a new life, and I don’t want anything that reminds me of my old life,” Sheldon announced on the website. Giving his address, he invited everyone to visit his apartment on April 19 from 8 to noon: “Take whatever you want; it’s all free.” When the real Sheldon returned from his mo
The Dead Pedestrian原版英文小故事内容: She was 31 years old, a seamstress and the mother of two children. Her husband is a mechanic. On a sunny morning, Vicky was walking to work. While in the crosswalk at Wilshire and Hamilton near Koreatown, Vicky was run over by a yellow school bus. An eyewitness said that the driver was laughing and talking on his cell phone. The bus was empty. Instead
Good News Bad News原版英文小故事内容: “My period started today,” Ruth said. Brody could hear her sadness over the phone. “Oh, I’m sorry, honey. That’s too bad,” Brody said. Until now, they both had assumed that she was pregnant, because her period was supposed to start three weeks ago. Brody had mixed feelings about the news. On the one hand, he knew that Ruth wanted a baby more than
The Cluster Balloonist原版英文小故事内容: Cluster balloonists tie a bunch of helium balloons to a lawn chair, sit in the chair, cut the anchor rope, and go flying into the wild blue yonder. To land, they cut some of the cords attaching the balloons to the chair. A small group of daredevils has been enjoying this sport for more than 30 years. They usually take a radio to communicate wit
Step8. 自然拼音法读物:大家一起来玩耍 本套书中的十个小故事,单词和句子进一步加长,出现了多音节词和复合词,以及不发音字母、缩略等语言形式。 内容设计: 1. 每个阶梯包括十个简单易读而又妙趣横生的小故事,每个故事都有一个主角和完整的情节,让孩子形成阅读“故事”的概念。 2. 每本书中的句子都由一连串发音规律相同的单词组成,在整本书中反复出现,能够起到不断加深印象的作用。 3. 故事的叙述语言采取搭积木的方式,从一两个单词开始,过渡到词组和短句,然后延展为较长的句子。 4. 生动有趣的插图一方面能够吸引孩子的阅读兴趣,另一方面可以提供理解故事情节的线索,让孩子读起来更有信心。 5. 每本书都介绍了一些高频词汇,目的在于反复运用,一见便知,例如:a,the, is等等。
Step7. 自然拼音法读物:忙忙碌碌 十个幽默搞笑的小故事包含更长的单词和句子,并引入了更多的元音和辅音组合,以及双辅音,语言难度有所加深。 内容设计: 1. 每个阶梯包括十个简单易读而又妙趣横生的小故事,每个故事都有一个主角和完整的情节,让孩子形成阅读“故事”的概念。 2. 每本书中的句子都由一连串发音规律相同的单词组成,在整本书中反复出现,能够起到不断加深印象的作用。 3. 故事的叙述语言采取搭积木的方式,从一两个单词开始,过渡到词组和短句,然后延展为较长的句子。 4. 生动有趣的插图一方面能够吸引孩子的阅读兴趣,另一方面可以提供理解故事情节的线索,让孩子读起来更有信心。 5. 每本书都介绍了一些高频词汇,目的在于反复运用,一见便知,例如:a,the, is等等。 6.
Step6. 自然拼音法读物:美食来袭 与Step5如出一辙,前五个小故事每本书分别侧重于长元音a,e,i,o,u的发音,后五个小故事每本书分别侧重于a,e,i,o,u作为长元音和短元音的发音,故事同样丰富有趣, 并增加了新的词汇,有助于进一步巩固对发音规律的感知。 内容设计: 1. 每个阶梯包括十个简单易读而又妙趣横生的小故事,每个故事都有一个主角和完整的情节,让孩子形成阅读“故事”的概念。 2. 每本书中的句子都由一连串发音规律相同的单词组成,在整本书中反复出现,能够起到不断加深印象的作用。 3. 故事的叙述语言采取搭积木的方式,从一两个单词开始,过渡到词组和短句,然后延展为较长的句子。 4. 生动有趣的插图一方面能够吸引孩子的阅读兴趣,另一方面可以提供理解故事情节的线索,让孩子读起
Step5. 自然拼音法读物:神奇的动物 前五个小故事每本书分别侧重于长元音a,e,i,o,u发音,后五个小故事每本书分别侧重于a,e,i,o,u作为长元音和短元音的发音,能让孩子更好地分辨长元音和短元音。 另外,Step5还介绍了动词现在进行时-ing和动词过去时-ed的概念。其他的知识点也都进一步巩固和提高。 内容设计: 1. 每个阶梯包括十个简单易读而又妙趣横生的小故事,每个故事都有一个主角和完整的情节,让孩子形成阅读“故事”的概念。 2. 每本书中的句子都由一连串发音规律相同的单词组成,在整本书中反复出现,能够起到不断加深印象的作用。 3. 故事的叙述语言采取搭积木的方式,从一两个单词开始,过渡到词组和短句,然后延展为较长的句子。 4. 生动有趣的插图一方面能够吸引孩子的阅读兴趣
Step4. 自然拼音法读物:机灵的小怪物 与Step1和Step2不同的是,这十本滑稽有趣的故事书不是每本侧重于一种短元音,而是多个短元音交叉出现,并引入了更多的复合辅音和辅音组合。前五本书每个故事的词汇发音包含两到三种短元音,后五本书每个故事的词汇发音包含四到五种短元音,从而提高孩子辨识各个短元音的能力。此外还循序渐进介绍了更多的高频词。 内容设计: 1. 每个阶梯包括十个简单易读而又妙趣横生的小故事,每个故事都有一个主角和完整的情节,让孩子形成阅读“故事”的概念。 2. 每本书中的句子都由一连串发音规律相同的单词组成,在整本书中反复出现,能够起到不断加深印象的作用。 3. 故事的叙述语言采取搭积木的方式,从一两个单词开始,过渡到词组和短句,然后延展为较长的句子。 4. 生动有趣的插图一方面能够
Step3. 自然拼音法读物:嬉闹的小伙伴 依然是十个妙趣横生的动物故事,带领孩子巩固学习短元音a,e,i,o,u的发音规律,另外还引入了复合辅音的概念。 内容设计: 1. 每个阶梯包括十个简单易读而又妙趣横生的小故事,每个故事都有一个主角和完整的情节,让孩子形成阅读“故事”的概念。 2. 每本书中的句子都由一连串发音规律相同的单词组成,在整本书中反复出现,能够起到不断加深印象的作用。 3. 故事的叙述语言采取搭积木的方式,从一两个单词开始,过渡到词组和短句,然后延展为较长的句子。 4. 生动有趣的插图一方面能够吸引孩子的阅读兴趣,另一方面可以提供理解故事情节的线索,让孩子读起来更有信心。 5. 每本书都介绍了一些高频词汇,目的在于反复运用,一见便知,例如:a,the, is等等。
Step2. 自然拼音法读物:动物大搞怪 Step2包括十个以动物为主角的滑稽故事,其中贯穿了短元音a e, i, o, u的单词, 每本书侧重于一种发音,并引入了简单的单辅音和辅音组合以及名词复数的概念。 内容设计: 1. 每个阶梯包括十个简单易读而又妙趣横生的小故事,每个故事都有一个主角和完整的情节,让孩子形成阅读“故事”的概念。 2. 每本书中的句子都由一连串发音规律相同的单词组成,在整本书中反复出现,能够起到不断加深印象的作用。 3. 故事的叙述语言采取搭积木的方式,从一两个单词开始,过渡到词组和短句,然后延展为较长的句子。 4. 生动有趣的插图一方面能够吸引孩子的阅读兴趣,另一方面可以提供理解故事情节的线索,让孩子读起来更有信心。 5. 每本书都介绍了一些高频词汇,目的在于
Step1. 八门读物: 我的世界 Step1主要包括十个图文并茂的小故事,用简短的句子向孩子介绍一些基本概念:如数字、颜色、各种动物的名称和叫声、反义词以及生活常识等等。同样的句型反复运用,串联成有趣的小故事,让孩子形成阅读故事的概念。每本书后列有高频词(sight words)和看图识词(picturewords)栏目, 并向家长提出了一些活动建议。 内容设计: 1. 每个阶梯包括十个简单易读而又妙趣横生的小故事,每个故事都有一个主角和完整的情节,让孩子形成阅读“故事”的概念。 2. 每本书中的句子都由一连串发音规律相同的单词组成,在整本书中反复出现,能够起到不断加深印象的作用。 3. 故事的叙述语言采取搭积木的方式,从一两个单词开始,过渡到词组和短句,然后延展为较长的句子。 4. 生
The Rude Clerk原版英文小故事内容: Baxter had wandered around Blockbuster for almost 30 minutes after work. He was looking for a movie that seemed even slightly interesting. He had to rent a “new release” in order to get a free “favorite.” Actually, he would rather just rent two favorites; he hadn’t read one good thing about any of the new releases. Finally, because a coworker had lik
The Tax Charge原版英文小故事内容: The envelope had the words “Internal Revenue Service” printed on the outside. Oh no, Vaughn thought, this could be bad news. It was bad news. IRS had determined that Vaughn owed $963, plus $88 interest, from two years ago. They had disallowed a deduction for two reasons. One, his adjusted gross income that year was more than $40,000, and two, he was covere
The Fire in the Hills (1)原版英文小故事内容: The fire started Saturday afternoon. Fire officials didn’t yet know how it started, but they suspected arson. Arsonists listen to weather reports. They get excited when they hear that the Los Angeles area is going to have Santa Ana winds, which can blow steadily at 30 mph and gust to 60 mph. Planes dropped flame retardant around the southern
The Fire in the Hills (2)原版英文小故事内容: The next morning, Adam turned on the radio. The fire had spread to 350 acres, and 550 homes had been evacuated. More than 400 fire fighters were busy in the foothills. The winds had really picked up overnight. Fire officials declared that the fire was only five percent contained. They said it might take four to seven days to fully contain the fi
The Vacuum Cleaner Filter(1)原版英文小故事内容: Oliver went to Target to buy a new vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaners at Target cost $60 to $500. The expensive ones were too bulky and, of course, too expensive. He bought the cheapest one in the store: a Dirt Devil “Vibe.” Its label claimed that it had “full size features, a clean release dirt cup, onboard cleaning tools, and weighed less
The Vacuum Cleaner Filter(2)原版英文小故事内容: But the HEPA filter for Oliver’s Vibe got dirty very quickly. And, it was not cleanable—it was simply replaceable. When it turned filthy brown, Oliver went back to Target to buy a new filter. Oddly, Target sold the F15 belt for the Vibe, but not the filter. He informed the store manager. She said she would e-mail this discrepancy to Targe