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  • 0-6岁 从婴语到英语电子书免费下载
    0-6岁 从婴语到英语电子书免费下载

    0-6岁 从婴语到英语电子书免费下载 《0-6岁 从婴语到英语》内容简介: 父母英语不够好,孩子的英语启蒙该从何下手? 孩子排斥英文,如何迈出英语启蒙的第1步? 给孩子读原版绘本、听原版音频,是否需要翻译? 对于英语启蒙晚的孩子,应该如何选择书籍? 哪里可以找到各类音视频的免费资源? 父母发音不标准,能否亲子阅读? 《0-6岁 从婴语到英语》是新阅读群家喻户晓的英语妈妈——想想妈4年来的启蒙心得与方法总结,是专为非专业家庭0—6岁英语启蒙所撰写的实操指导书。书中以原版绘本、优质音频、趣味动画、自然拼读、分级阅读与桥梁书、辅助工具等六大资源,循序渐进地打造英语学习环境,让英语不够好的父母也能培养出英语优秀的孩子。本书不仅详尽论述了英语启蒙的理念与方法、提供了英语启蒙的书单,还选取了困扰非

  • 用有声书轻松听出英语力PDF电子书免费下载

    用有声书轻松听出英语力PDF电子书免费下载 《用有声书轻松听出英语力》内容简介: 《用有声书轻松听出英语力》为0—8岁的中国儿童勾勒出了一张操作性极强的英语启蒙路线图。作者廖彩杏,一位受过英语专业训练的全职妈妈,结合第二外语习得理论和日常幼儿教育实践,创造出独特的“有声书英文学习法”。她颠覆了传统的英语学习法:孩子不必背单词,不必刻意学语法,不必出国,不必上培训班;家长不必逐句翻译,不必逐词念诵示范。她养育的双胞胎儿女就是实践证明:他们5岁开始学习,女儿8岁就能读完英文版《纳尼亚全集》;11岁参加托业考试,获得985分的高分,差5分满分,其中听力得到满分。这种低成本、高效率、易操作,而且符合科学规律的英语启蒙法迅速获得了中文圈妈妈们的强烈认同。彩杏老师指出,孩子持续学习英语的能力,取决于父母的英语观念,而非英语水平。她的方法与见解符合第二语言习得的最新理论成果

  • 轻松培养孩子的英语好感度PDF电子版免费下载

    轻松培养孩子的英语好感度PDF电子版免费下载 《轻松培养孩子的英语好感度》内容简介: 《轻松培养孩子的英语好感度》集结了吴敏兰老师多年的办学、演讲和教养的经验,为尚困惑、焦虑于孩子的英语启蒙和学习的家长指明了方向,解答了诸多家长普遍的困惑和疑问。 全书分为四个篇章:【第一章】“亲子英语预备,GO!”从家长看待孩子英文学习的正确态度开始娓娓道来,以调动五感认识ABC活动为例,给家长启发性的英语启蒙方法和指导建议。【第二章】“吴老师的英文百宝箱”分为“阅读篇”“跨文化篇”和“娱乐篇”,指导家长如何通过读绘本、玩绘本、多元文化活动、唱唱跳跳、看动画等各种方式带领孩子进入英语世界。【第三章】“妈咪,这句话英文怎么说?”收录生活场景亲子英语500句,让亲子英语互动不再为难。【第四章】“亲子英语20问”对亲子英语启蒙最常遇到的困惑给予解答。 多元文

  • 培养孩子的英语耳朵电子书PDF百度云免费下载

    培养孩子的英语耳朵电子书PDF百度云免费下载 作者: 汪培珽 内容简介: 女儿7岁时,用英文讲了30分钟自己即兴编出的故事,让弟弟听的兴味盎然。听完31卷共49小时的《哈利波特》录音带之后,念小四的女儿开始阅读700多页的英文版第五集……这不是学习奇迹,而是亲子教育实践家汪培珽的亲身体验! 生活在一个非英文的环境中,只要持续地年英文故事书给孩子听,就能让孩子自然而然地听懂英文,并从中累积语感和阅读基础,循序渐进养成说、读、写的稳定实力。《培养孩子的英文耳朵》介绍“念英文故事书给孩子听”的实际步骤和注意事项,并提供私房英文书单,同时针对常见的英文学习风潮和认知迷思,提出中肯建议并加以厘清说明,让父母能遵循正确的态度与方向,陪伴孩子快乐学习、自信成长。 作者简介: 美国纽约圣约翰大学MBA,在投入银行职场工作九年之后

  • Don’t Get Mad—Get Even原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    Don’t Get Mad—Get Even原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    Don’t Get Mad—Get Even原版英文小故事内容: “Look out!” Kane heard the shout and turned around to see who was shouting. A second later, a mountain biker whooshed past him. The biker turned his head and shouted “Bikes only, asshole!” and disappeared from view. Kane was walking on a mountain bike trail. He had already seen a sign saying Bikers Only, but he had figured that the trail in the woo

  • The Christmas Gift (1)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    The Christmas Gift (1)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    The Christmas Gift (1)原版英文小故事内容: It was Christmas day. Kayleen had invited her boyfriend Hugo over for Christmas dinner. He arrived a little after 1:00. He was carrying a big plastic bag. He put the bag on the floor inside her front door. She looked at the bag, but she didn’t ask what was in it. They had already agreed not to give each other gifts; they were trying to save money f

  • TPR英语童谣教学视频MP4免费下载

    TPR英语童谣教学视频MP4免费下载 TPR教学法是 Total Physical Response 的缩写,指全身反应教学法,由加州心理学家詹姆士博士提出来的。注重的是语言学习中孩子和教学资料的身体互动。 TPR 教学法可以让孩子更直观地了解在游戏中学习、英语生活化, 同时也可以更好地激发孩子对英语学习的浓厚兴趣。 TPR教学法的基本原则 (一)让第二语言进入学生的右半脑 James Asher认为,右脑是缄默的,非语言性的,但是它可以通过指令做出适应动作来表达自己。通过让语言进入右半脑引起行为变化,学生很快就可以理解语言代码,当学生能够理解目标语的基本结构及其表示的含义时,他就作好了说的准备。 (二)以“听——做动作”为主要教学组织形式 这是TPR教学法最明显的特征。在学习过

  • The Christmas Gift (2)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    The Christmas Gift (2)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    The Christmas Gift (2)原版英文小故事内容: Many people were enjoying themselves in the park that Christmas day. A group of people were playing volleyball. All the tennis courts were packed. Some people were lawn bowling. Holding hands, Hugo and Kayleen walked all the way around the park. They played soccer with a pine cone. They petted a dog and talked to its owner. When they returned

  • The Haircut (1)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    The Haircut (1)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    The Haircut (1)原版英文小故事内容: It was chilly outside. Natalie had asked Sonny to come pick her up. She wanted to give him his bimonthly haircut at his place. He said he’d be right over. She always cut his hair in the bathroom, so he closed the bathroom window completely. She didn’t like drafts. He put on his jacket and ski cap, walked out to his car, and drove to her place. Becau

  • The Haircut (2)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    The Haircut (2)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    The Haircut (2)原版英文小故事内容: Sonny could have grabbed the sun with his own two hands and pulled it ten million miles closer to Earth, but that would not have warmed up Natalie. “You know how much I hate the cold, and you know how fragile I am. The last time I was here, you promised me that you would always turn on the heat before you picked me up, so that your apartment would be

  • The Robbery at the Mall(1)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    The Robbery at the Mall(1)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    The Robbery at the Mall(1)原版英文小故事内容: Cliff was on the phone. “I couldn’t believe it! It was broad daylight! These criminals have no conscience, no morals. They beat up and rob old people. They kidnap and rape young women. It’s getting to the point where no one is safe anytime or anywhere.” Cliff’s wife had recently been punched, kicked, and robbed on a warm, sunny day. She had a b

  • The Robbery at the Mall(2)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    The Robbery at the Mall(2)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    The Robbery at the Mall(2)原版英文小故事内容: Janelle used the phone of the helpful woman to call Cliff. Cliff played golf with a medical doctor almost every Saturday. Perhaps Dr. Kildare could look at her injuries. Cliff, angry but glad his wife was alive, said he would be there shortly. She told him to bring their son and her spare set of car keys, because her keys were in the stolen pur

  • The Driving Lesson (2)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    The Driving Lesson (2)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    The Driving Lesson (2)原版英文小故事内容: “Whoa! Whoa! Stop! What are you doing?! Holy cow!” Webster, an inexperienced teenaged driver, had just turned left in front of two oncoming cars. Noah couldn’t believe it. The cars were heading west through the intersection, and Webster pulled out as if they weren’t even there. Fortunately, the two cars slowed down and let Webster complete his turn

  • The Move to Georgia (1)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    The Move to Georgia (1)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    The Move to Georgia (1)原版英文小故事内容: Evelyn had lived in New Mexico with her husband Jasper for the last 20 years. It wasn’t an exciting life, but they got by. They owned their own house. She spent her days each weekend with her two horses at a stable that was only a mile from her house. Jasper spent his weekends at a small lake where he had a mobile home and a boat. He often brought

  • The Move to Georgia (2)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    The Move to Georgia (2)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    The Move to Georgia (2)原版英文小故事内容: Evelyn and Jasper’s new condo certainly was small—1,200 square feet. It was on the first floor of a three-story building. They had no garage for their two cars. In fact, they didn’t even have one designated parking space. When Evelyn went grocery shopping, she often had to lug the groceries 100 feet from her car to her condo—sometimes less if she

  • I’ll Get a Job原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    I’ll Get a Job原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    I’ll Get a Job原版英文小故事内容: Ida came to America four years ago. Her main reason for coming was to give her 13-year-old son the best education possible. But also, she did not want Perry to meet the wrong kind of people and end up using drugs or joining a gang, or both. Divorced shortly after Perry's birth, Ida had been a successful entrepreneur in her home country. She had saved

  • A Cleaner River (1)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    A Cleaner River (1)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    A Cleaner River (1)原版英文小故事内容: The three brothers were sitting on their boat, having a few beers and talking about the good old days. As they talked, they watched the trash float by on the St. James River. Their conversation turned to the trash. “It didn’t use to be like this,” said Manny. “Remember how we used to go swimming in this river? I wouldn’t put my big toe in this riv

  • A Cleaner River (2)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    A Cleaner River (2)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    A Cleaner River (2)原版英文小故事内容: The three brothers went out on the river almost every day, weather permitting. They tied some rowboats behind their boat to use as floating trash cans. They picked up all the trash they could see floating in the river. Friends joined them. Then friends told other friends, and by the end of the first year there were more than 200 volunteers helping the

  • The Spitter原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    The Spitter原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    The Spitter原版英文小故事内容: Rudy and Brenda were walking on the sidewalk, approaching the coffee shop. A young man was sitting at an outside table. There were four chairs at the table, but he was by himself. Just before Rudy and Brenda got up to his table, the young man spit on the sidewalk. Rudy said to Brenda, “Watch out for the spit,” and glared at the young man. How dare

  • Kill Those Flies (1)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    Kill Those Flies (1)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    Kill Those Flies (1)原版英文小故事内容: “Leave the front door wide open, all the time,” God told Mel in a dream. Furthermore, God added, put three dishes filled with raw hamburger in every room in the house. Add more hamburger when the dishes became empty. A very strange dream, Mel had thought, but who was he to question a command from God? He opened the front door wide and put the dis