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  • The Clapper原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载
    The Clapper原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载

    The Clapper原版英文小故事内容: If you have two hands, you can’t help but applaud the original Clapper. First sold in 1985, it worked with a lamp or any other electric device. You plugged the Clapper into an outlet. Then you plugged your lamp into the Clapper. By clapping twice, you turned the lamp on or off. It was a convenient gadget that also became popular with handicapped people. TV co

  • Tuberculosis Still Kills原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载
    Tuberculosis Still Kills原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载

    Tuberculosis Still Kills原版英文小故事内容: There are some “good” things about the disease of tuberculosis (TB). One is that it can be cured. Another is that TB is not spread by shaking hands, sharing dishes, or sharing clothing. Another is that people usually catch it only from others that they are with constantly—such as family, friends, or coworkers. The occasional cough or sneeze from

  • Old Dogs Become Young Again原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载
    Old Dogs Become Young Again原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载

    Old Dogs Become Young Again原版英文小故事内容: “My 10-year-old dog can’t even walk up two steps to get into the house,” Alicia told her new friend. “I have to carry Prince up those two steps. Late one night I saw an ad on TV for Young Again Dog Beverage. They showed an old dog trying to get into an armchair. It got only partway into the chair before it slid back down to the floor. They sho

  • 世界冠军丹尼PDF+MP3免费下载

    世界冠军丹尼PDF+MP3免费下载 《世界冠军丹尼》简介: 丹尼出生于英国的一个乡村公路边,在他四个月的时候,妈妈就去世了,他与爸爸相依为命。 他们住在一个很简陋的大篷车里,但温暖而且充满生机。爸爸教会丹尼修车、开车, 且他满脑子都是新鲜想法,在天气晴朗的傍晚,他会带着丹尼一起到野外放热气球。每天晚上,他都会给丹尼讲个故事。但在丹尼9岁时,他发现了爸爸竟然是一个偷猎者! 丹尼深深地爱着爸爸,他很为爸爸担忧。一天深夜,爸爸果然出事了,他掉进了庄园主黑泽尔先生的 陷阱里,摔断了腿。丹尼冒险开车去抢救,终于在看林人发现前救出了爸爸。 爸爸的受伤让丹尼义愤填膺,他决心要和爸爸一起教训一下这个可恶的家伙。他们在黑泽尔先生举行围猎大会之前,用丹尼出的一个绝妙的主意:喂野鸡吃安眠药 ,将林子里的野鸡偷了出来, 爸爸把所有的猎物聚在一起

  • Ham and Eggplant原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载
    Ham and Eggplant原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载

    Ham and Eggplant原版英文小故事内容: He arrived home a little bit hungry. First, he had to take a small package of ham out of the freezer. But before he did that, he took the big pot off the stove and put about an inch of water in the bottom. Then he put the steamer basket into the pot. He put the pot on the stove and turned on the gas burner. He opened the refrigerator and took out a

  • A Hole in Her Ear (1)原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载
    A Hole in Her Ear (1)原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载

    A Hole in Her Ear (1)原版英文小故事内容: It was Sunday. “Don’t blow in my ear!” Cassandra yelled. “I have very fragile skin. If you blow in my ear, it might break my eardrum.” Travis laughed. He didn’t believe her. He had seen too many movies and read too many books where the guy blew in the girl's ear and the girl ended up marrying the guy. So he blew in her ear. She cried out in pain

  • 小乔治的神奇魔药PDF+MP3免费下载

    小乔治的神奇魔药PDF+MP3免费下载 《小乔治的神奇魔药》简介: 这本书讲了一个叫做乔治的小男孩儿和他的姥姥住在一个小院子里。她的姥姥是个自私自利、脾气坏透了的老太太,总是变着法儿的折磨小孩儿。有一天乔治的妈妈出门了,他的姥姥不让乔治长高,而让他变矮。 他想在的姥姥凳子底下放个炮仗;想在她衣服后面放一条绿色的长蛇;想在她房间里放六只黑色的大老鼠……可是他没有这些东西于是他想到了姥姥的药水,他准备给姥姥配是一种新的药水,强烈的彻底把她的病治好。要给他配制一种魔药,一种世界上还没有医生配制过的药。 他首先来到浴室,金光洗发水、牙膏、肥皂水、……把一切能放的东西都放进了锅里。 他又来到卧室,妈妈的香水、香粉、唇膏……都被放进了锅里。 他又来到洗衣室,洗衣粉、地板蜡、还有一盒狗用跳蚤粉……一大盒一大盒的被

  • A Hole in Her Ear (2)原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载
    A Hole in Her Ear (2)原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载

    A Hole in Her Ear (2)原版英文小故事内容: Two days later, Cassandra was still feeling uncomfortable. The whooshing sound was constant, and she still felt dizzy and nauseous occasionally. Travis had already made an appointment with Dr. Schwartz for Wednesday. On Wednesday, Dr. Schwartz walked into the examining room in his shorts and sneakers; he was semi-retired. Travis told Dr. Schwartz wh

  • 詹姆斯与大仙桃的故事PDF+MP3免费下载

    詹姆斯与大仙桃的故事PDF+MP3免费下载 《詹姆斯与大仙桃》简介: 罗尔德·达尔(1916—1990年),挪威籍的英国杰出儿童文学作家、剧作家和短篇小说作家,作品流传于成人和少儿读者之间,极为知名。他的代表作有:《查理与巧克力工厂》《玛蒂尔达》《女巫》《吹梦巨人》和《独闯天下》等。他的作品以36种语言在世界各地出版,荣获“爱伦·坡文学奖”、美国“神奇作家奖”、“世界奇幻文学大会终身成就奖”等多种奖项。《詹姆斯与大仙桃》是罗尔德·达尔第一部儿童文学成名作,构思新颖,妙趣横生,长销不衰。1982年获马萨诸塞儿童图书奖。据此拍摄的儿童电影《仙桃历险记》也一直被孩子们津津乐道。 四岁以前,小詹姆斯一直生活得很幸福。此后的某一天,他的父母不幸意外地命丧伦敦街头,可怜的小詹姆斯从此成了孤儿。后来,他被送到了两个姨妈—— 一个名叫海绵团,一个名叫大头钉

  • 蠢特夫妇的故事mp3音频下载

    蠢特夫妇的故事mp3音频下载 《蠢特夫妇》简介: 蠢特先生是一个有着肮脏的胡须、脸上长满了毛的脏老头;蠢特太太是一个内心丑陋、喜欢捉弄她丈夫的老太婆。蠢特夫妇心眼儿坏得很:他们在院子里种满刺蓟以防孩子们接近;为了做鸟肉馅饼,他们把胶水涂到树枝上以便粘住鸟儿;他们还将猴子一家关进笼子里并让它们拿大顶。当然,机智的动物们*终想出了妙计,成功地将蠢特夫妇制服……故事诙谐幽默,充满奇思妙想,语言通俗易懂,能够让小读者获得精彩的阅读体验。 添加下方公众号即可免费获取蠢特夫妇的故事mp3音频资源>>>

  • The Drugs Keep Coming原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载
    The Drugs Keep Coming原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载

    The Drugs Keep Coming原版英文小故事内容: Because it won't decriminalize drugs, the US government allows drug dealers to make billions of dollars annually. The government continues to pursue and arrest millions of marijuana and cocaine users every year. The government says that marijuana and cocaine are so dangerous and addictive that they must remain illegal. However, it has long legalized

  • 介绍冬奥会的英文短篇小学生作文文档百度云免费下载

    介绍冬奥会的英文短篇小学生作文部分内容: 短篇一: The Winter Olympic Games are a major international sporting event that occurs once every four years. Unlike the Summer Olympics,. the Winter Olympics feature sports practiced on snow and ice. 冬奥会是一项重要的国际体育赛事,每四年举办一次。 与夏季奥运会不同,冬季奥运会以冰雪运动为特色。 短篇二: The bids werevoted on by a group of 85 participants. Beijings bid received

  • 2022冬奥会英语演讲稿3分钟文档百度云免费下载

    2022冬奥会英语演讲稿3分钟文档部分内容: Beijing has become the first city to host both Summer and Winter Olympic Games after beating Kazakhstan's Almaty to hold the 2022 Winter Olympics. 北京击败哈萨克斯坦的阿拉木图,获得2022年冬奥会举办权,成为奥运历史上第一个既举办过夏季奥运会,又举办冬奥会的城市。 Following a closed-door vote by International Olympic Committee (IOC) members, President Thomas Bach announced that Beijing is the winner of 2022

  • Missing Husband (1)原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载
    Missing Husband (1)原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载

    Missing Husband (1)原版英文小故事内容: Courtney had not heard from her husband in three weeks. Five weeks ago Jacob had gone to Iran to track down cigarette smugglers. He was working for a US company that was losing millions of dollars worth of cigarettes annually to criminal activity. He had communicated with Courtney at least once a day for the first two weeks. Then his calls and emails

  • Missing Husband (2)原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载
    Missing Husband (2)原版英文小故事MP3音频百度云免费下载

    Missing Husband (2)原版英文小故事内容: On her first day in Tehran, Courtney went to the US Embassy and told an official who she was and why she was there. The assistant to the deputy ambassador told her that she should return to the US, and leave the investigation to “professionals.” She politely refused, saying that the “professionals” had so far discovered absolutely nothing. He said tha

  • 英语单词3500词汇表+录音免费下载

    英语单词3500词汇表+录音电子版免费下载 ☆Unit One☆ Where there is a will there is a way. Lesson 1 a(an) art. 一(个、件…) abandon v. 放弃,遗弃,沉溺 ability n. 能力; 才能 able a. 能够;有能力的 abnormal a. 反常的,不正常的,不规则的 aboard ad. 在船上,在火车上,在飞机上prep. 在…之上 abolish v. 废止,革除 abortion n. 流产,堕胎 about ad. 大约;到处;四处prep. 关于;在各处;四处 above prep.在…上面a.上面的ad.在…之上 ab

  • 国际音标教学课程视频免费下载

    国际音标教学课程视频免费下载 添加下方公众号即可免费获取国际音标教学课程视频资源>>>

  • strange academy斯特兰奇魔法学院英语彩漫免费下载
    strange academy斯特兰奇魔法学院英语彩漫免费下载

    strange academy斯特兰奇魔法学院英语彩漫免费下载 从这部《斯特兰奇魔法学院》中能让你有一种当年打开“哈利·波特”魔法世界大门的即视感! 【1】有教无类,多玛姆的私生子、冰霜巨人都来了! 相对于漫威教授变种人的“变种人学院”来说,奇异博士的斯特兰奇魔法学院所表现出来的看点要更足一些,其中所展现的比较典型的一点就是对于学院所招收的学生设定。 在漫画中,斯特兰奇魔法学院基本上算是有教无类了,第一批所招收的学员中,除了常规的主角视角的艾米丽以外,还有来自阿斯加德的兄弟俩、有着巫毒博士风格的学员,甚至也有源自暗黑维度的多玛姆的私生子、冰霜巨人一族的孩子…… 所以,在一定程度上来说,这所奇异博士所创建的魔法学院,一开始从学生群体上来说,就拥有了无数的看点延伸。 【2】魔法学院教员设定很多都是漫威顶

    标签: 漫画其它资讯
  • 麦田里的守望者英文版pdf百度网盘免费下载

    麦田里的守望者英文版pdf内容介绍 麦田里的守望者是捷罗姆·大卫·塞林格唯一的一部长篇小说,它客观又深刻地指出了青少年在成长过成中所面临的种种问题。小说发表后引起了巨大争议,但仍然受到大批读者的喜爱。 塞林格将故事的起止局限于16岁的中学生霍尔顿·考尔菲德从离开学校到纽约游荡的三天时间内,并借鉴了意识流天马行空的写作方法,充分探索了一个十几岁少年的内心世界。愤怒与焦虑是此书的两大主题,主人公的经历和思想在青少年中引起强烈共鸣,受到读者,特别是广大中学生的热烈欢迎。 如需下载完整版可以扫描下方二维码即可免费获取麦田里的守望者英文版pdf电子版↓↓↓

  • 少儿英语口语情景对话大全(汇总)文档百度网盘免费下载

    少儿英语口语情景对话大全(汇总)文档部分内容: 总共包括以下几大板块:打招呼、问好;表扬和感谢;集体活动;生病;接待;户外活动;讲卫生和吃饭;休息时间 打招呼,问好 1. Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好! 2. Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好! 3. How old are you? I am (four). 你几岁了?我(四)岁。 4. What is your name? My name is (lanlan) 你叫什麽名字?我叫(兰兰)。 5. See you tomorrow? See you tomorrow. 明天见?明天见。 6. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你还好