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  • Man Holds Staff Hostage原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    Man Holds Staff Hostage原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    Man Holds Staff Hostage原版英文小故事内容: Morgan Cohen walked into the campaign office for Hillary Clinton. He claimed to have a bomb strapped onto him. He told the five workers to go about their business, but he ordered them not to try to leave. “If one of you tries to leave,” he said, “I will kill myself along with the others.” Then he walked over to a desk and asked for Hillary’s phone

  • Young Boy Defends Sister原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    Young Boy Defends Sister原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    Young Boy Defends Sister原版英文小故事内容: A nine-year-old boy defended his sister from her angry ex-boyfriend yesterday. Woody Harrelson, 24, who had a house key, had hidden in the closet of the Shatner family’s home waiting for his ex-girlfriend Ethel, 23, to return. He attacked Ethel with a knife seconds after she arrived home. She was carrying their 11-month-old baby in her arms. Wood

  • Remember Me?原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    Remember Me?原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    Remember Me?原版英文小故事内容: Chet and Eliot had been running around all day. It had been hot. They were unshaved, and wearing shorts, T-shirts, and flip-flops. At about 6 p.m., they felt like eating something. They were on south Lake, which had several restaurants. Eliot suggested that they go to the Mediterranean restaurant. “The food is good and there’s lots of it,” he told Chet. It w

  • The Way to a Man’s Heart原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    The Way to a Man’s Heart原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    The Way to a Man’s Heart原版英文小故事内容: He was her university teacher. He was smart, confident, and had a great sense of humor. And he was rather good-looking, too. The fact was, she had fallen in love with him. She sensed that he might like her. She had caught him looking at her more than once. What to do? At the end of the semester, she waited till all the other students had le

  • Homemade Ship原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    Homemade Ship原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    Homemade Ship原版英文小故事内容: Hans Andersen, a life-long fisherman, had a dream. He wanted to sail around the world. And he did it. He got several sponsors who subsidized his trip. He bought a beautiful 40-foot yacht, with all the latest technical and safety gear, and had a pleasant voyage. Well, except for almost sinking while going around the tips of South America and Africa. Th

  • New Dog-Barking Law原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    New Dog-Barking Law原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    New Dog-Barking Law原版英文小故事内容: Noise. It gets into your head and under your skin. Too much noise can turn ordinary people into raging maniacs. All too-common noises in neighborhoods are the blaring TVs, blaring car radios, and barking dogs. Most cities have ordinances against excessive noise. Of course, if you complain about your neighbor’s noise, your neighbor will hate you and st

  • DK Simply Climate Change 简易气候变化PDF电子书免费下载
    DK Simply Climate Change 简易气候变化PDF电子书免费下载

    DK Simply Climate Change 简易气候变化PDF电子书免费下载 将粗体图形与易于理解的文字相结合,《简单气候变化》是对那些时间紧迫但渴求知识的人的重要介绍。 这本书解释了支持气候变化研究的科学,并清楚地概述了人类对地球施加的压力。 假设之前没有环境科学和气候研究方面的知识,那么简单地说,气候变化解释了这个星球上人类生活所面临的最重要挑战之一的科学。这是一个完美的初学者指南,可以帮助你理解气候变化是如何发生的以及为什么会发生,并从政策和技术上寻找可能的解决方案。它涵盖了从温室气体到微塑料的基本概念,分为缩略、单页或双页条目,简单直观地解释概念。 无论你是在学校还是大学学习科学,还是仅仅想对这门学科有一个没有行话的概述,简单的气候变化是你快速、轻松理解基础知识所需要的一切的基本指南。 添加下方公

  • DK Simply Astronomy 简易天文学PDF电子书免费下载
    DK Simply Astronomy 简易天文学PDF电子书免费下载

    DK Simply Astronomy 简易天文学PDF电子书免费下载 简易天文学 理解天文学从未如此容易。 结合了粗体的图形和易于理解的文字,《简明天文学》是天文学和观星的完美入门,适合那些时间短但渴望知识的人。 每一个缩减后的条目比以往任何时候都更清楚地涵盖了基本要素。开篇的几章介绍了宇宙,对太阳系的视觉游览,以及对更遥远的物体如恒星和星系的引导。在此过程中,人们引入并解释了诸如大爆炸、引力和时空等概念。后面的章节描述了如何在夜空中导航,并介绍了一些必看星座,以及简单的星图。 无论你是一个完全的初学者,还是仅仅想要一个关于天文学和观星的无专业术语的参考,这本基本的指南包含了所有你需要的东西,可以让你快速轻松地理解基础知识。 添加下方公众号即可免费获取DK Simply Astronomy 简

  • BBC英语启蒙动画片What's the Big Idea雨果带你看世界mp4免费下载
    BBC英语启蒙动画片What's the Big Idea雨果带你看世界mp4免费下载

    BBC英语启蒙动画片What's the Big Idea雨果带你看世界mp4免费下载 把“学龄前”和“哲学”这两个词放在一起,这本身几乎就是一个不可能完成的任务(Mission Impossible),但这部动画真的做到把一个个复杂抽象的哲学思想用最简单的方式传递给小观众了。这部动画再次展示BBC世界顶级的制作水准。 这部动画的主角是一个名字叫雨果(Hugo)的小男孩,每一集的故事都是以雨果的一个抽象问题开始,带领孩子们一起去探索小小的哲学世界。最后,会以雨果问小观众的问题作为结束。动画虽然结束,但是孩子们的思考却从未停止。在儿童动画中不多见的题材,推荐您一定要给孩子看看。 英文版目录: 01 Big.mp4 02 Friend.mp4 03 Play.mp4 04 Jealous

  • Man Flies 200 Miles(1)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    Man Flies 200 Miles(1)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    Man Flies 200 Miles(1)原版英文小故事内容: Bo Jackson was sitting in his favorite chair, drinking a beer, and watching a football game. At halftime, a car commercial featured a few hundred helium balloons floating skyward. I could do that, Bo thought. I could strap a bunch of balloons to my lawn chair and float up into the sky. He told his wife. She asked him how many beers he’d had. He

  • Man Flies 200 Miles(2)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    Man Flies 200 Miles(2)原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    Man Flies 200 Miles(2)原版英文小故事内容: A few days later, Duke and Bo drove a few miles out of town where there were no electrical wires. They used fishing line to secure 50 balloons to the lawn chair. The chair was secured to the truck. They filled up all the balloons. The balloons were actually lifting the truck off the ground a little. Bo put on his jacket, shook hands with Duke, and

  • Cleaning a Dirty Plate原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    Cleaning a Dirty Plate原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    Cleaning a Dirty Plate原版英文小故事内容: It was a white, plain-looking dinner plate, with no adornment. The brand name was Corelle, a popular brand made by Corning. On the bottom of the plate, in addition to “Corelle” and “Corning,” was the following text: “Microwave Safe—Not for Broiler or Stovetop Use.” Although now they were hard to find, all of his plates were the same brand and

  • The Driving Lesson原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    The Driving Lesson原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    The Driving Lesson原版英文小故事内容: He had just bought a new car—a Lincoln. It was a big, long, four-door sedan. Some days, he would go out to his beautiful car and just sit in it. But he was going to the hospital next week for a colonoscopy; he needed to give his wife some practice in driving the Lincoln. She had to drive him home after the medical procedure. Because he was receiving an

  • Hurricane Dean原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    Hurricane Dean原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    Hurricane Dean原版英文小故事内容: Hurricane Dean looked like a monster. It developed into a category 5, the highest and most dangerous level. Category 1 is called “minimal,” with wind speeds up to 95 mph. Category 5 is called “catastrophic,” with wind speeds of at least 156 mph. It blows over trees and destroys small buildings. Hurricane Dean hit Jamaica, just south of Cuba. It destroyed h

  • Adventurer Disappears原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    Adventurer Disappears原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    Adventurer Disappears原版英文小故事内容: Steve Magellan, world-famous adventurer, has been missing for two days. The man who soared around the world by himself in a balloon took off in a single-engine airplane from a private airport in Nevada. He left at noon for a three-hour flight. The weather was perfect. There were no storms in the area. He took no emergency provisions. Presumably, he

  • Nursing Student Disappears原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    Nursing Student Disappears原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    Nursing Student Disappears原版英文小故事内容: A young woman who is a nursing student at Pasadena College has disappeared. She had just started her final semester, and was planning to graduate two weeks before Christmas. “She is one of our best students,” said Mrs. Nelson, an instructor. “It’s certainly very strange for her to miss class without calling in.” Annabelle Florence had jus

  • The Lovely Banana原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    The Lovely Banana原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    The Lovely Banana原版英文小故事内容: What a wonderful fruit the banana is, popular all over the world. Its three colors tell you how ripe it is. Green means go, as in go find another banana. Yellow means eat me. Brown means eat me but don’t bother chewing before you swallow. The only thing that would make a banana more user-friendly is if you could eat the peel. Plus, a banana is neat to e

  • 汪培珽分级书单I can read系列第二阶段全14册PDF绘本百度网盘免费下载
    汪培珽分级书单I can read系列第二阶段全14册PDF绘本百度网盘免费下载

    汪培珽分级书单I can read系列第二阶段全14册PDF绘本百度网盘免费下载 汪培珽理念:用英文故事书,打造英文环境 不论专家说过什么,以下两项是我对语言学习的想法,要以成见待之也无妨: -如果准备让孩子学习一种语言,愈早接触愈好。 -不论生来是什么人种,孩子置身在某种语言环境里,就会自然习得这种语言。 第一项的时间点我可以控制,但是第二项-环境呢?我们家又没有说英文的爸妈,要如何给孩子语言的环境呢?不妨看看生活周遭那些跟爸妈说国语、跟阿公阿妈说闽南语的孩子就知道了,对孩子来说,那种「见什么人说什么话」的自然转换本领,就是环境影响语言学习的最好见证。 书单目录: 1.Little Bear and the marco polo 2.The Fire Cat 3

  • 汪培珽分级书单I Can Read第一阶段全10册绘本PDF百度网盘免费下载
    汪培珽分级书单I Can Read第一阶段全10册绘本PDF百度网盘免费下载

    汪培珽分级书单I Can Read第一阶段全10册PDF绘本百度网盘免费下载 汪培珽强调“父母的1堂课,胜过孩子的100堂才艺课”, 汪培珽提供另一种务实新颖的教养态度与方向,帮助父母深切体会到孩子的喜悦与感动。而“阅读”是一切教育学习的基础;“爱”则是亲子间最珍贵的资产,汪培珽相信,“念故事书给孩子听”同时涵盖了这两样孩子最需要的东西。 汪培珽的理念: 1.用念故事书代替说教。这里强调的代替! 2.念故事时不要只想着品格和能力,更应该在意的是和孩子爱的交流。 3.对好动的孩子念故事的方法:一杯牛奶、一杯水、一本故事书。 4.选故事书,不要低估孩子的理解能力 5.给孩子念书是个持续的过程,它一定会带来好的结果。 6.强调,父母念比书本身配套的音像更有诚意更有效果。

  • 少儿英语口语大赛演讲稿文档内容百度网盘免费下载

    少儿英语口语大赛演讲稿文档部分内容 Hello! My name is ZhengYe ChengCheng. I'm ten. I study in WZ children arts school. I'm in Class one Grade four . Welcome to Our Classroom This is my classroom. There is a sign on the door. It says: Welcome to Our Classroom! There are many desks. This is my desk. My name is on it. This is my teacher’