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Goodnight iPad绘本电子版pdf资源百度网盘下载

2022年06月22日 16:29 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:13
本文给大家分享的资源是培生英语分级绘本《Goodnight iPad》,翻译成中文名为:晚安iPad,pdf格式,直接下载到百度网盘即可。




本文给大家分享的资源是培生英语分级绘本《Goodnight iPad》,翻译成中文名为:晚安iPad,pdf格式,直接下载到百度网盘即可。


Modern life is abuzz. There are huge LCD WiFi HD TVs and Facebook requests and thumbs tapping texts and new viral clips of cats doing flips. Wouldn't it be nice to say goodnight to all that? Like the rest of us who cannot resist just a few more scrolls and clicks, you may find yourself ready for bed while still clinging to your electronics long after dark. This book, which is made of paper, is a reminder for the child in all of us to power down at the end of the day. This hilarious parody not only pokes loving fun at the bygone quiet of the original classic, but also at our modern plugged-in lives. It will make you laugh, and it will also help you put yourself and your machines to sleep. Don't worry, though. Your gadgets will be waiting for you, fully charged, in the morning.This is a parody of Goodnight Moon – which has sold over five million copies since its publication in 1947.A witty, winsome book for adults (and even their children) about putting their gadgets to sleep before bedtime.

现代生活充满活力。有巨大的LCD WiFi高清电视和Facebook请求、拇指点击文本和新的病毒性猫咪翻转视频片段。对这一切说晚安不是很好吗?就像我们中的其他人一样,他们无法抗拒更多的滚动和点击,你可能会发现自己已经准备好睡觉了,而在天黑后很长一段时间里仍然坚持着你的电子产品。




