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New Grammar Time5语法教材音频+PDF百度网盘免费下载

2022年05月12日 15:21 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:29
本文分享New Grammar Time5音频+PDF百度网盘资源,无需解压,可直接下载。学了词汇,语法同样要跟上哦!这套New Grammar Time非常适合语法学习。


New Grammer Time由大名鼎鼎的朗文出品,是一套特别好的语法教材,共五册。由浅入深。第一册从a和an开始,适合刚进入语法的孩子,第五册就会到相当深的水准。

New Grammar Time系列,其内容 40%是知识点,60%是对知识点的习题操练,每个知识点都有个趣味性的 Lead 短小插画故事。知识点的难度是螺旋上升进一步拓展的,跨 level 的许多内容是重复的,但明显后面的内容更丰富些,难度也大不少。让孩子轻松掌握高中水平语法知识。

New Grammar Time5语法教材音频+PDF百度网盘免费下载


Circle the correct answer.

1 Can I call you back? Wehave /are havinglunch at the moment.

2 Elizabethdoesn't eat / isn't eatingred meat. She's a vegetarian.

3 Whatdo you do / are you doingright now?

4 Wedon't watch / aren't watchingTV in the morning.

5 She wants to live in Brighton but shelives / is livingin London at the mo ment.

6 Idon't cook /'m not cookingtoday. There are sandwiches in the fridge.

7Do they look / Are they lookingfor a new car?

8 The match usuallyfinishes / is finishingat 8 o'clock.

9 Look! The red henlays / is layingan egg!

10 Wedon't usually listen / aren't usually listeningto this kind of music.


