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The Enchanted Wood英文绘本电子版PDF资源免费下载

2022年03月01日 11:44 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:34
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The Enchanted Wood英文绘本电子版PDF资源免费下载


Long ago, there was a land green and fair. Its gently rolling hills were covered with orchards, wide pastures, and rich farmlands. Its forests echoed with bird song and were filled with deer and wild boar, pheasant and hare. The king of this land was wise and just, and the queen was loved and honored by all.

But then a sad day came to the kingdom, when the queen died after givingbirth to her third son. The king grieved for his queen, and though he loved his sons, he could no longer find joy in life. The land seemed to share the king's grief. Each year after the queen's death, a little less rain fell on the kingdom.

The crops grew sparse, the fruit was eaten by worms, and the animals became thin and weak. Finally, the land was gripped with a terrible drought. Streams dried up, crops withered, and fields turned to dust. The king grew desperate, for his subjects were on the verge of starvation.

很久以前,有一片绿油油的土地。 其平缓起伏的山丘上布满了果园、宽阔的牧场和肥沃的农田。 它的森林里回荡着鸟儿的歌声,到处都是鹿和野猪、野鸡和野兔。 这片土地的国王睿智公正,王后受到众人的爱戴和尊敬。

但随后王国迎来了悲伤的一天,王后在生下第三个儿子后去世。 国王为他的王后伤心,虽然他爱他的儿子,但他再也找不到生活的乐趣了。 这片土地似乎分担了国王的悲痛。 王后每年死后,王国的雨水都会少一点。

庄稼变得稀疏,果实被虫子吃掉,动物变得瘦弱无力。 最后,这片土地遭受了可怕的干旱。 溪流干涸,庄稼枯萎,田野化为尘土。 国王变得绝望,因为他的臣民处于饥饿的边缘。


