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Golden Mare and firbird and ring英文绘本电子版PDF资源免费下载

2022年02月26日 16:01 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:47
本文分享Golden Mare and firbird and ring英文绘本电子版PDF资源,无需解压,可直接下载阅读。接下来就和孩子一起阅读一起学英语吧!



Golden Mare and firbird and ring英文绘本电子版PDF资源免费下载


Once upon a time, in a place where magical beasts still roamed the earth, a young man named Alexi left home to seek his fortune and perhaps to find an adventure or two as well.

Alexi was an excellent huntsman, but after traveling for a week he had found neither work nor adventure. One evening, as night descended and the moon arose, he made camp at the edge of a glade.

A noise of hoofbeats in the forest startled Alexi. Thinking it a herd of deer or some other game, the lad readied his bow. Yet the young hunter did not loose his arro w, for the beast that appeared in the clearing was too wondrous to shoot. It was a golden mare with a silvery-white mane that streamed around her and sparkled in the moonlight.

The Golden Mare stood and gazed at the huntsman, who pointed an arrow at her heart.

"Hold, fair sir, do not shoot," said the mare, to the astonishment of the lad. Alexi lowered his bow and slowly approached the remarkable mare.

"I am at your service for sparing my life," she said. " What is your desire?"






她说:“我愿意为您服务,以挽救我的生命。” “你的愿望是什么?”


