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神奇树屋英文版54 Balto of the Blue Dawn电子书+音频资源免费下载

2022年02月12日 10:15 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:91
本文分享神奇树屋英文版54 Balto of the Blue Dawn电子书+音频资源,无需解压,可直接下载阅读。接下来就和孩子一起阅读这个充满想象的冒险故事吧!



充满无限想象的冒险故事,带孩子在书中游遍世界,神奇树屋描述了一对小兄妹的冒险故事。哥哥Jack,八岁半,喜欢看书,是个理性冷静的小男孩;至于七岁的妹妹Annie,就喜爱幻想与冒险,而且勇于尝试。加入历史、地理知识,以此为起点延伸更多科普话题,Magic Tree House 这个系列的书,除了冒险故事紧张刺激以外,最好的一点就是它们从故事带出很多地理历史的典故,比如泰兰尼克号、庞贝火山爆发的故事、古埃及木乃伊、古罗马奴隶、美国内战、恐龙世界、热带雨林等等……

神奇树屋英文版54 Balto of the Blue Dawn电子书+音频资源免费下载


Jack was reading on the front porch when Annie peeked out the door. "Bike ride later?" she asked.

"Sure," said Jack. "Let's go now, before it gets too dark. Tell Mom and Dad.”

Annie slipped into the house to tell their parents. Jack closed his book about whales and sharks and stood up and stretched. He was tired from swimming at the lake all afternoon, but he felt good. He loved summer. A bike ride in the warm evening air seemed like the perfect way to end the day.

"Good to go," said Annie, coming out of the house with their bike helmets. Jack and Annie ran down the porch steps and climbed on their bikes. They put on their helmets and pedaled out to the street. As they rode up their block, they waved to a neighbor mowing her lawn and to a couple walking two poodles.

"We need a dog!" Annie called back to Jack.

"What kind do you want?” he said.

"Any kind. I like all dogs," said Annie.

安妮从门外偷看时,杰克正在前廊看书。 “以后骑自行车?” 她问。

“当然,”杰克说。 “我们现在走吧,趁天还没黑。告诉爸爸妈妈。”

安妮溜进屋子告诉他们的父母。 杰克合上关于鲸和鲨鱼的书,站起来伸了伸懒腰。 他整个下午都在湖里游泳很累,但他感觉很好。 他喜欢夏天。 在傍晚温暖的空气中骑自行车似乎是结束一天的完美方式。

“很高兴,”安妮说,带着他们的自行车头盔走出屋子。 杰克和安妮跑下门廊台阶,骑上他们的自行车。 他们戴上头盔,踏上街头。 当他们骑上街区时,他们向一位正在修剪草坪的邻居和一对遛两条贵宾犬的夫妇挥手致意。

“我们需要一条狗!” 安妮回电话给杰克。

“你想要什么样的?” 他说。



