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牛津阅读树Tree tops系列Sherlock Holmes音频+PDF资源免费下载

2022年01月13日 10:47 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:59
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牛津阅读树Tree tops系列Sherlock Holmes音频+PDF资源免费下载


My name is Dr Watson and I have the good fortune to be the friend and companion of Sherlock Holmes. I try to keep a record of the cases he has solved. I have been with him many times when he has solved cases with just a few clues and his powerful brain.

One such case was the Boscombe Valley Mystery. I knew nothing about it until I got a telegram early one morning at home.It was from Holmes, asking me to go with him to the West of England. My wants are few and simple so I very swiftly packed a case, said farewell to my wife and was at Paddington in less than an hour.

Holmes was pacing up and down the platform. He was instantly recognizable: tall and gaunt – and dressed in his long grey cloak and deerstalker hat. 'It is really very good

of you to come, Watson. I need someone I can rely on.'

We had the carriage to ourselves and Holmes spent the time reading through a huge pile of newspapers. Now and then he stopped to make notes and to think. Finally,

我的名字是华生医生,我有幸成为福尔摩斯的朋友和伴侣。 我试图记录他解决的案件。 我和他在一起过很多次,他只用几条线索和他强大的大脑就破案了。

一个这样的案例是博斯科姆谷之谜。 直到有一天早上,我在家里收到一封电报,我对此一无所知。它是福尔摩斯发来的,要我和他一起去英格兰西部。 我想要的东西很少而且很简单,所以我很快收拾好一个箱子,和我的妻子告别,不到一个小时就到了帕丁顿。

福尔摩斯在平台上来回踱步。 他一眼就能认出来:又高又瘦——穿着灰色的长斗篷,戴着猎鹿帽。 '真的很好

你来了,华生。 我需要一个我可以依靠的人。

我们自己坐马车,福尔摩斯花时间阅读一大堆报纸。 他时不时停下来做笔记和思考。 最后,


