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苏斯博士The 500 HATS英文绘本PDF资源免费下载

2022年01月06日 14:17 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:31
本文分享经典的苏斯博士The 500 HATS英文绘本PDF资源,无需解压,直接下载。接下来就跟着我们一起来阅读苏斯博士的有趣益智的绘本吧!




IN THE beginning, Bartholomew Cubbins didn't have five hundred hats.

He had only one hat.It was an old one that had belonged to his father and his

father's father before him. It was probably the oldest and the plainest hat in the whole Kingdom of Didd, where Bartholomew Cubbins lived.But Bartholomew liked

it—especially because of the feather that always pointed straight up in the air.

The Kingdom of Didd was ruled by King Derwin. His palace stood high on the top of the mountain.

From his balcony, he looked down over the houses of all his subjects—first, over the spires of the noblemen's castles,across the broad roofs of the rich men's mansions, then over the little houses of the townsfolk, to the huts of the farmere far off in the fielde.

苏斯博士The 500 HATS英文绘本PDF资源免费下载

一开始,Bartholomew Cubbins 没有五百顶帽子。


父亲的父亲在他面前。 这可能是整个迪德王国中最古老、最朴素的帽子,巴塞洛缪·库宾斯就住在那里。 但巴塞洛缪喜欢


迪德王国由德温国王统治。 他的宫殿高高耸立在山顶上。

他从阳台上俯瞰所有臣民的房屋——首先是贵族城堡的尖顶,越过富人宅邸的宽阔屋顶,然后是市民的小房子,以及农民的小屋。 远在外地。


