Naturally, the King never wore his stilts during business hours. When King Birtram worked, he really wORKED, and his stilts stood forgotten in the tall stilt closet in the castle's front hallway.
There was so much work to be done in the Kingdom of Binn, that King Birtram had to get up every morning at five. Long before the townsfolk and the farmers were awake,the King was splashing away in his bath.
It was right there, in fact,that his day's work began.
With his left hand he could bathe with his royal bath brush, but his right hand he always had to keep dry for signing the important papers of state.
当然,国王在工作时间从不穿高跷。 Birtram国王工作时,他真的工作,他的高跷被遗忘了在城堡前走廊的高跷壁橱里。
Binn王国有太多的工作要做,Birtram国王必须每天早上五点起床。 远在市民和农民醒来之前,国王已经在他的浴缸里溅起了水花。