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raz Z1级阅读Hungry Right Here绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载

2021年12月23日 15:16 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:37
本文分享raz Z1级阅读Hungry Right Here绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载,无需解压,直接下载。接下来就一起看看Hungry Right Here的故事吧!




One in five children in the United States lives in a food-insecure household, which means these children are hungry and struggling to thrive. While federal food programs work to diminish the hunger epidemic, the efforts of local communities to ensure that all citizens receive bountiful and nutritious food are paramount. Hungry Right Here? provides students with a comprehensive explanation of the causes and effects of the hunger epidemic. The author also provides concrete and inspirational examples of how students throughout the country are taking action to help meet the food needs of their local communities. The book can also be used to teach students how to determine an author's purpose and to summarize. The book and lesson are also available for levels V and Y.

在美国,五分之一的儿童生活在粮食不安全的家庭中,这意味着这些儿童正在挨饿并且难以茁壮成长。 虽然联邦食品计划致力于减少饥饿流行,但当地社区为确保所有公民获得丰富而有营养的食物所做的努力至关重要。 饿了吗? 为学生全面解释饥饿流行的原因和影响。 作者还提供了具体而鼓舞人心的例子,说明全国各地的学生如何采取行动帮助满足当地社区的粮食需求。 这本书也可以用来教学生如何确定作者的目的和总结。 这本书和课程也适用于 V 级和 Y 级。

raz Z1级阅读Hungry Right Here绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载


RAZ按难度分为27个级别,AA—C这4个级别对应幼儿园阶段; D—J这7个级别对应美国小学一年级;K—P这6个级别对应美国小学二年级;Q—T这4个级别对应美国小学三年级;U—W这3个级别对应美国小学四年级;X—Z对应美国小学五六年级(相当于国内高中毕业)。


