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raz Z1级阅读Are GMOs Safe绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载

2021年12月23日 11:28 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:48
本文分享raz Z1级阅读Are GMOs Safe绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载,无需解压,直接下载。接下来就一起看看Are GMOs Safe的故事吧!




People have been eating foods grown from genetically engineered seed for only the past two decades. While hundreds of published reports have explored the benefits and risks of GMO foods, many people strongly believe GMOs are unsafe for human consumption. Are GMOs Safe? provides students with a detailed look at the pros and cons of genetically modified foods in the agricultural industry. The book can also be used to teach students how to distinguish between fact and opinion and the proper use of commas in a series. The book and lesson are also available for levels Z and Z2.

仅在过去的二十年里,人们一直在食用由基因工程种子种植的食物。 虽然已发表的数百份报告探讨了转基因食品的益处和风险,但许多人坚信转基因食品对人类食用是不安全的。 转基因食品安全吗? 让学生详细了解转基因食品在农业中的利弊。 这本书也可以用来教学生如何区分事实和观点,以及如何正确使用逗号。 这本书和课程也适用于级别 Z 和 Z2。


RAZ按难度分为27个级别,AA—C这4个级别对应幼儿园阶段; D—J这7个级别对应美国小学一年级;K—P这6个级别对应美国小学二年级;Q—T这4个级别对应美国小学三年级;U—W这3个级别对应美国小学四年级;X—Z对应美国小学五六年级(相当于国内高中毕业)。


