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《Caillou(卡由)》E7 Caillou Learns to Skate动画视频免费下载

2021年12月13日 16:58 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:50
《Caillou(卡由)》E7 Caillou Learns to Skate动画视频免费下载,Caillou系列美音动画片是针对学龄前儿童的启蒙动画片,讲述4岁小光头卡由和他2岁妹妹(Rosie)、小猫(Gilbert)及家人和小朋友的生活故事。有需要的可以将免费资源下载到百度

《Caillou(卡由)》E7 Caillou Learns to Skate动画视频台词内容

Caillou Learns to Skate

Storyteller: This is the story of when Caillou learned to skate. It happened on a winter day,

just like today.

Ever since Caillou watched a hockey game with his Mommy and Daddy, he wanted to skate.

So his Daddy made a skating rink in the backyard, and bought him his first pair of skates.

Announcer: He shoots, he scores.

Caillou: I wanna be a hockey player.

Mommy: Good. But first we need to learn to skate.

Caillou: I can skate fastest in the world. Look, Mommy. He fell down.

Mommy: So I'll be skating with the world champion. That's great.

Daddy: See, soon you'll be able to skate like this.

Mommy: Okay, now the first thing you have to learn is how to stand.

Storyteller: Caillou discovered that skating wasn't as easy as he thought it would be.

Mommy: Oh, Caillou!

《Caillou(卡由)》E7 Caillou Learns to Skate动画视频免费下载

Caillou: Mommy!

Daddy: This should help until you get the hang of it.

Mommy: And now you're ready to skate.

Caillou: I don't wanna skate any more. It's too hard.

Daddy: I know it isn't easy. But I'm very proud of you for trying. Let's do it again.

Storyteller: Caillou was tired of falling and falling. But he did feel like trying one more time

with his Daddy.

Caillou: I want to try again.

Mommy: Good for you.

Daddy: You're doing great, Caillou.


Oh, no. Look, Daddy. I can do it. Whoa! Yeah! Look at me.

Mommy: Are you all right, Caillou? Caillou, you're skating, you're really skating.

Caillou: Look Mommy, I'm skating.

Daddy: Who wants some hot chocolate?

Storyteller: After falling a lot, Caillou was finally getting the hang of it, except...

Caillou: Mommy. Daddy.

Mommy: Yes, dear.

Daddy: I guess your next lesson will be how to turn. And then we'll have to think about

getting you a hockey stick.

Caillou: A hockey stick? Wow.

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