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《Caillou(卡由)》E6 Caillou at the Beach动画视频免费下载

2021年12月13日 16:58 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:0
《Caillou(卡由)》E6 Caillou at the Beach动画视频免费下载,Caillou系列美音动画片是针对学龄前儿童的启蒙动画片,讲述4岁小光头卡由和他2岁妹妹(Rosie)、小猫(Gilbert)及家人和小朋友的生活故事。有需要的可以将免费资源下载到百度网盘查

《Caillou(卡由)》E6 Caillou at the Beach动画视频台词内容

Caillou at the Beach

Storyteller: Come on, kids. It's story time. When Caillou was just a little boy of three, he

went to the ocean for the first time. Today's story is called "Caillou at the Beach". Caillou's

family was on vacation. It was his first trip to the ocean and the beach.

Caillou & Mommy & Daddy: The beach. The sea. We're off to see the sea.

Mommy: Caillou. Rosie. Do you hear that?

Caillou: What is it?

Mommy: That's the sound of the ocean.

Daddy: We're here.

Storyteller: Caillou was so excited, he couldn't wait to get to the beach.

Caillou: Look, Mommy, the ocean.

Mommy: Yes. And look, Caillou, the sun. And that means sunscreen.

Caillou: No, no. It tickles.

Rosie: Bye, bye!

Daddy: There. That should do it.

《Caillou(卡由)》E6 Caillou at the Beach动画视频免费下载

Mommy: This is a nice spot.

Daddy: Who wants to go in the water?

Caillou: I do. I do.

Storyteller: Caillou hadn't had swimming lessons yet, so he held his Daddy's hand tightly as

they ran into the...

Caillou: It's cold.

Daddy: It's all right once you get used to.

Storyteller: Caillou loved any kind of picnic, but a picnic on the beach was best of all.

Caillou's sandwich had sand in it.

Caillou: Look, Mommy. Hey. That's my sandwich! Hello!


Caillou followed that strange little crab that lived in a shell, all the way to a tidal pool full of

creatures from the sea. There were starfish and sea horses and sea urchins.

Mommy: Who wants to help me build a sand castle?

Caillou: I do. I do. Go away. Look, Rosie, like this and like this. Mommy. Daddy. Look.

Daddy: When the tide comes in, it's time for us to go.

Caillou: My castle.

Mommy: Well, we'll have to come back tomorrow and build another castle.

Caillou: And we'll come back the next day and the next day and the next day and the next


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