Did you know that kids invented snowboards, trampolines, and Popsicles? Many inventions have been created by kids, and famous inventors often started their work at an early age. Kid Inventors describes the achievements of several forward-thinking young people, and concludes with advice on how any child can become an inventor. Photographs focus on both the inventions and the inventors highlighted in the book. Fluent readers will be inspired by these accounts of kids changing the world with their ideas.
您知道孩子们发明了滑雪板、蹦床和冰棒吗? 许多发明都是由孩子们创造的,著名的发明家往往在很小的时候就开始了他们的工作。 Kid Inventors 描述了几位有远见的年轻人的成就,并在结尾提出了有关如何让孩子成为发明家的建议。 照片侧重于书中突出显示的发明和发明者。 流利的读者将从这些孩子用他们的想法改变世界的描述中受到启发。