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小猪佩奇第一季41 Daddy Gets Fit音频+英文台词百度云免费下载

2021年11月26日 11:52 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:87
小猪佩奇第一季41 Daddy Gets Fit音频+英文台词百度云免费下载,小猪佩奇就是我们最熟悉的小猪佩奇,很多家长不愿意让小孩看太多电视,会损伤视力,那么可以下载我们的原音听力音频和中英文对照哦,有兴趣的可以将免费资源下载到百度网盘查看,操作简单快捷。

小猪佩奇第一季41 Daddy Gets Fit音频+英文台词内容

Mummy is watching a keep fit program on Television.

[Come on now, that's right, bend it, stretch it, bend it, stretch it]

I love watching (Tele). television

What's this, Mummy pig?

It's a program about doing exercises to keep fit.

Thank goodness, I don't have to exercise. I'm naturally fit.

You don't look very fit, daddy. Your tummy is a bit big.

I'm very fit, I'll show you. What should I do first? shall

Touch your toes, like this.


Daddy, stop pretending then you can't touch your toes. that

I'm not pretending, Peppa.

Daddy pig really can not touch his toes.

Oh, dear, daddy. That's not very good.

Maybe I should do a bit exercise. a bit of

Yes, daddy.

And I will start tomorrow.

Daddy pig, you have to start exercising now.

Don't worry, daddy, I will help you.

Oh, all right. Peppa, you are in charge of getting me fit.

What shall I do first? should

First, you must do some press-ups.

Easy. 1,2, There,

Very good, daddy.

Now I want you to do one hundred.

One hundred?


Come on, children. Help me make lunch.

I'll help as well.

No, daddy, you've got 100 press-ups to do.


Mummy pig, Peppa and George are in the kitchen making lunch.

Daddy pig is still doing his press-ups.

Daddy is doing very well.

Yes, I do hope he is not (at all doing) it. overdoing

I'll go and see.


Daddy pig, you're cheating. You should be doing press-ups.

Oh, there was something interesting on the TV.

Naughty Daddy.

Maybe daddy will have more success with my old exercise bike.

This looks like fun.

I'll be able to cycle and watch TV at the same time.

小猪佩奇第一季41 Daddy Gets Fit音频+英文台词百度云免费下载

It's impossible, this bike is too noisy.

I can't hear the TV.

(You've got) to get fit somehow.

I know, you can use my bicycle.

Yes, and then you'll get some fresh as well. fresh air

Daddy pig is going to ride on Peppa's little bicycle.

Daddy, these are the pedals, these are the brakes, and this is the bell.

Yes, yes, thank you, Peppa, I know. Bye bye.

Easy as pie.

Getting fit is a quite hard work.

Now I can get fit (through I having) to pedal. without

Daddy pig is going very fast.

Oh, maybe I'd better slow down.

The breaks aren't strong enough. brakes

Daddy pig has been gone for a long time.

Mummy, where can daddy be?

Don't worry, Peppa.

Daddy must be really enjoying himself to be (wait) for so long. away

Daddy, where have you been?

I was all the way down the hill. whizzed

Then I have to push the bike all the way back up again. had

Oh, poor daddy pig.

Well, at least I don't make exercise. I've done my exercise.

Yes, for today.

What do you mean?

You have to do some more exercise tomorrow.


Daddy, to get fit, you have to exercise everyday.

Oh, no.

But don't worry, daddy, I'll make sure you do it.

Yes, I know you will.

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