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小猪佩奇第一季40 Chloes puppet show音频+英文台词百度云免费下载

2021年11月25日 11:48 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:265
小猪佩奇第一季40 Chloes puppet show音频+英文台词百度云免费下载,小猪佩奇就是我们最熟悉的小猪佩奇,很多家长不愿意让小孩看太多电视,会损伤视力,那么可以下载我们的原音听力音频和中英文对照哦,有兴趣的可以将免费资源下载到百度网盘查看,操作简单快捷。

小猪佩奇第一季40 Chloes puppet show音频+英文台词内容

第四十集Chloes puppet show

Chloe's Puppet Show!

Peppa and her family are visiting Uncle Pig and Aunty Pig and Cousin Chloe.

I expect UncIe Pig will fall asleep after lunch,

like he always does.

Daddy Pig!

You shouldn't say such things about your own brother!

Especially in front of the children.

But it's true!

Uncle Pig always eats too much lunch and falls asleep,

snoring loudly!

Like this.

Err... Peppa, George,

forget what I just said about Uncle Pig.

Okay, Daddy!

Peppa and her family have arrived at Uncle Pig and Aunty Pig's house.

Hello, Aunty Pig and Uncle Pig!


Hello, everyone!

Hello, big brother!

Uncle Pig is Daddy Pig's brother.

Chloe Pig is Peppa

and George's cousin.

Hello, Chloe!

Hello, Peppa! Hello, George!

I want to show you something!

Wait for us!

This is my new puppet theater!

My daddy made it for me.



I've made two puppets already!

This one is called Chloe!

Hello! I am Chloe Pig.

And this one is my daddy.

Uncle Pig!

Hello, Peppa!

I am Uncle Pig.

Chloe? Can me and George make puppets, too?


Chloe paints the puppet's eyes.

Can I do the mouth?


My name is Peppa!

George? What puppet would you like to make?


A dinosaur?

小猪佩奇第一季40 Chloes puppet show音频+英文台词百度云免费下载

George always says ''dinosaur'' for everything.

Ok, a scary dinosaur puppet.

Chloe is making George a dinosaur puppet.

It needs pointy teeth.

There! A scary dinosaur.


Lunch time, everyone!


After lunch, we'll do a puppet show!!


Aunty Pig has made spaghetti for lunch!

This spaghetti is delicious!

Best spaghetti ever!

You can tell you two are brothers!

Alike in everyway.

What do you mean?

We are completely different!

Peppa, George and I are going to do a puppet show!

Fantastic! Call us when you're ready.

See you later A puppet show!

That sounds fun.

Have I got time for some more spaghetti?

Could I have some more, too?

The puppet show is about to begin!

Hello! My name is Chloe.

And I am Peppa!


Ahhhh! It's a dinosaur!

A scary dinosaur! Eeek!


I say! That's very good!


I am Uncle Pig

Hello, Uncle Pig!

Hello, Peppa!

It looks just like you!

I think they've made my tummy a bit big.

I did enjoy my lunch!

Uncle Pig? Are you going to fall asleep and snore like you always do?

What do you mean?

Daddy says you always fall asleep and snore loudly, like this.

Your daddy's right.

I do snore like this.

Oh, Daddy Pig!

You shouldn't have said those things about Uncle Pig!

I don't think Daddy Pig or Uncle Pig can hear you!

Daddy Pig and Uncle Pig have fallen asleep.

You can tell they are brothers!

Eh?! what happened?

Ugh? Has the puppet show started yet?

I'm Peppa Pig.

This is my little brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig.

And this is Daddy Pig.

Peppa pig.

Daddy Gets Fit!

Mummy Pig is watching a keep fit program

on television.

Come on, now, that's right.

bend it, stretch it,

bend it, stretch it.


and one and two I love watching television.

and three and four What's this, Mummy Pig?

and one and two

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