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小猪佩奇第一季38 The Museum音频+中英文对照文档百度云免费下载

2021年11月25日 11:34 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:93
小猪佩奇第一季38 The Museum音频+中英文对照文档百度云免费下载,小猪佩奇就是我们最熟悉的小猪佩奇,很多家长不愿意让小孩看太多电视,会损伤视力,那么可以下载我们的原音听力音频和中英文对照哦,有兴趣的可以将免费资源下载到百度网盘查看,操作简单快捷。

小猪佩奇第一季38 The Museum音频+中英文对照文档内容

第三十八集The Museum!博物馆!

1、Peppa and her family are going to the museum.佩奇和家人去博物馆参观。

2、Daddy,what is a museum?爸爸,什么是博物馆?

3、It's a place full of interesting things that are very old.它是一个存放古老又有趣的东西的地方。

4、Older than you?比你还老吗?

5、Yes,even older than me.是的,甚至比我还老。

6、Ooooo!哦~!Really old.真的很老耶。

7、There is one room full of things that belonged to kings and queens from long ago.有间房间放满属于很久以前的国王和王后的东西。

8、I want to see the king and queen's room!我想去看看国王和王后的房间!

9、And there's another room with a real dinosaur.另外一个房间有真正的恐龙。


11、Hello,Mummy Pig!你好,猪妈妈!


13、How many tickets,please?请问要多少张票?

14、Two adults and two children.两张成人票和二张儿童票。


16、And a dinosaur!也给恐龙一张票!

17、Peppa wants to see the room full of things that belong to kings and queens from long ago.佩奇想去看放满很久以前的国王和王后的东西的房间。


19、But George wants to see the real dinosaur.但是乔治想去看真正的恐龙。

20、Don't worry,George.别担心,乔治。

21、We will see the dinosaur next.我们接着会去看恐龙的。

22、Peppa,these are all the things that the queen had a long time ago.佩奇,这些东西都是很久以前国王和王后所拥有的。

23、This is the queen's special chair.这是王后特制的椅子。

24、It's called a throne.它叫宝座。

25、It's beautiful!它好漂亮啊!

26、This is the queen's dress.这条是王后的裙子。

27、It's so pretty!它是那么漂亮啊!

28、Look,Peppa.This is the queen's golden crown.看,佩奇,这是王后的金色皇冠。

29、Wow!What lovely things!哇!多么漂亮的东西!

30、Mummy,where is the queen's television?妈妈,王后的电视机放在哪?

31、They didn't have television then.他们那时没有电视。

32、No television!居然没有电视。

33、But they did have computers?但他们有电脑吧?

34、No,they didn't have computers,either.没有,他们也没有电脑。

35、What did they do all day?他们整天干些什么呀?

36、Mummy,if I was the queen,妈妈,如果我是王后,

37、I would eat as much cake as I wanted.我想吃多少蛋糕就吃多少。

38、Peppa imagines being a queen.佩奇想像成为一个王后。


40、Is there anything else you would care for,Queen Peppa?有什么你还想要的,佩奇王后?

小猪佩奇第一季38 The Museum音频+中英文对照文档百度云免费下载

41、Yes!More cake,please!好的!再来点蛋糕吧!

42、Of course.当然可以。

43、Come on,everyone.大家都来这里。


45、Daddy!I'm Queen Peppa!爸爸!我是佩奇王后!

46、You must bow when you speak to me.当你跟我说话时你必需要鞠躬。

47、Oh!I'm most terribly sorry,哦!我深感抱歉,

48、your royal highness.王后陛下。

49、And what do you do?你是干什么的?

50、I'm your daddy.我是你的爸爸。

51、Hmmm,that must be very interesting.嗯,这一定很有意思。

52、Yes!It's very interesting!是的!非常有意思!

53、And what room is this?这间房间是干什么的?

54、This is the dinosaur room.这是恐龙屋。

55、The dinosaur room?恐龙屋?

56、George!This is the dinosaur room!乔治!这就是恐龙屋了!

57、Dine-saw!恐龙!Where is the dinosaur?恐龙在哪里呢?

58、He's somewhere in the room.他在屋里某个地方。

59、I can't see him.He must be very small.我看不到他。他一定非常小了。

60、Actually,Peppa,he's very big!事实上,佩奇,他个子很大!


62、These are the bones of a real dinosaur.这些都是真恐龙的骨头。


64、George imagines being a big dinosaur.乔治想像变成一条大恐龙。

65、It's a dinosaur!Help!Help!一条恐龙!救命!救命!


67、The dinosaur room is George's favorite room!这间恐龙屋是乔治最喜欢的房间!

68、My favorite room is the king and queen's room.我最喜欢的是国王和王后的房间。

69、My favorite room is the king and queen's room.我最喜欢的是国王和王后的房间。

70、And it looks as if Daddy Pig is already in his favorite room.看来爸爸好像已经到了他最喜欢的房间了。

71、And it looks as if Daddy Pig is already in his favorite room.看来爸爸好像已经到了他最喜欢的房间了。

72、Which room is that,Mummy?那是什么房间,妈妈?

73、The room with the cakes in.有很多蛋糕的房间。

74、Daddy Pig's favorite room is the museum cafe.猪爸爸最爱的房间是博物馆的餐厅。

75、Daddy Pig's favorite room is the museum cafe.猪爸爸最爱的房间是博物馆的餐厅。

76、Come on,tuck in!来吧,尽情吃吧!

77、Oh,yes!This is a very nice room!哦,是的!这真是最好的房间!

78、I'm Peppa Pig.我是佩奇。

79、This is my little brother,George.这是我的弟弟,乔治。

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