您的位置:首页>早教>少儿英语>英语绘本>Big Pumpkin万圣节的大南瓜英语绘本pdf电子版资源下载

Big Pumpkin万圣节的大南瓜英语绘本pdf电子版资源下载

2021年11月25日 09:18出处:亲亲宝贝网作者:JXL阅读次数:70
本文给大家分享的是原版英文绘本《Big Pumpkin》,翻译成中文名为:万圣节的大南瓜,直接下载到百度网盘即可资源免费。




本文给大家分享的是原版英文绘本《Big Pumpkin》,翻译成中文名为:万圣节的大南瓜,直接下载到百度网盘即可资源免费。



Once there was a witch who wanted to make pumpkin pie. So she planted a pumpkin seed. She weeded and watered, and after a while a sprout poked through. And then a pumpkin grew. And it grew. And it grew. And then it grew some more.


Soon Halloween was just hours away. The witch thought about pumpkin pie and bent down to take her pumpkin off the vine.



Well, she pulled and she tugged and she pulled. First she pulled hard and then she pulled harder. But that pumpkin just sat.

"Drat !" said the witch.






Just then, along came a ghost.

"Big pumpkin !" said the ghost .

"It's big and it's mine, but its stuck on the vine, and Halloweens just hours away, said the witch. And she kicked that pumpkin.

"I am bigger than you and stronger, too" boasted the ghost. "Let me try."

"Hmph!" said the witch. But she thought about pumpkin pie, and stepped aside.




The ghost bent down to take the pumpkin of the vine.

Well, he pulled and he tugged and he pulled. First he pulled hard and then he pulled harder. But that purmpkin just sat.

"Drat!" said the ghost.







Just ther, along came a vampime. "Big pumpkin." said the vampire.

"It's big and it's mine. but it's stuck on the vine. and Halloween's just hours away," said the witch. And she kicked that pumpkin.

"I am bigger than both of you and stronger, too." boasted the vampire. "Let me try."

"Hmph!" said the witch.

"Hmph!" said the ghost.



But they thought about pumpkin pie and stepped aside.

The vampire bent down to take the pumpkin off the vine.



Well, he pulled and he tugged and he pulled.

First he pulled hard and then he pulled harder. But that pumpkin just sat.

"Drat!" said the vampire.



Just then, along came a mummy.

"Big pumpkin." said the mummy.







"It's big and its mine, but it's stuck on the vine. and Halloween's just hours away." said the witch. And she kicked that pumpkin.

"I am bigger than all of you and stronger. too" boastedthe mummy. "Let me try."

"Hmph!" said the witch.

"Hmph!" sald the ghost.

"Hmph!" sald theI vampire.

But they thought about pumpkin pie and stepped aside.


