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Peanut Butter And Jellyfishes英文绘本pdf资源下载

2021年11月23日 15:30 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:JXL 阅读次数:40
本文给大家分享的是英文绘本《Peanut Butter And Jellyfishes》,翻译成中文名为:花生酱和水母,pdf格式,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。




本文给大家分享的是英文绘本《Peanut Butter And Jellyfishes》,翻译成中文名为:花生酱和水母,pdf格式,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。


A is for antelopes(羚羊) forming an arc(弧).B begins birch trees(桦树) with bubblegum bark(泡泡糖树皮).

飞机(airplane), 气球(balloon), 篮子(basket), 鸟(bird), 蝴蝶(butterfly), 灌木丛(bush)...

羚羊脚下的土堆(A), 天空飘着的气球(B).

C is for cat with a calico coat(穿着印花棉大衣的猫) who camps by a castle(在城堡附近露营) and cooks by a moat(在护城河附近做饭).

(crocodile), 香蒲(cattail), 乌鸦(crow)...


D starts dalmatian(达马西亚犬), a dog who's been spotted(有斑点的).E is for each evergreen Elvis potted(每一个埃尔维斯盆栽的常青树).

鸽子(dove), 雏菊(daisy), 狗舍(doghouse), 鸡蛋(egg), 眼睛(eye)...

斑点狗的脖子(D), 埃尔维斯的手推车(E).

F starts flamingo(火烈鸟) and G begins Gary, the gerbil(沙鼠) that H helps us say is quite hairy(多毛的).

水果(fruit), 花(flower), 地板(floor), 金鱼(goldfish),葡萄(grape), 帽子(hat), 高跟鞋(high-heeled shoes), 吹风机(hair dryer)...

鱼缸(F), 沙鼠的脖子(G), 镜前的瓶子(H).

I is for ice cream(冰激凌), the size of an igloo(冰屋).J is for jars(罐子) full of jasmine(茉莉花) and wig glue(发胶).

想象力(imagination), 吉格舞(jig)...

冰块(I), 鱼线(J).

K starts karate(空手道) and kangaroos kissing(搞亲亲的袋鼠), and kilt-wearing kittens(穿苏格兰短裙的小猫) whose kickstands(撑脚架) are missing.

国王(king), 风筝(kite), 孩子(kid)...


