The classic fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears is retold with rich description at three reading levels. The story invites readers to enjoy the adventures of a girl who happens upon a cottage in the forest and finds three bowls of porridge, three chairs, and three beds. What surprises await the family that lives in the cottage? Use Goldilocks and the Other Three Bears to show students how a change in the portrayal of the characters can give the story a different view. Book and lesson also available at Levels I and P.
经典童话《金发姑娘和三只熊》在三个阅读层次上以丰富的描述重述。 故事邀请读者享受一个女孩在森林中的一间小屋里发现三碗粥、三把椅子和三张床的冒险经历。 住在小屋里的家人有什么惊喜等待着他们? 使用金发姑娘和其他三只熊向学生展示人物刻画的变化如何给故事带来不同的视角。 书籍和课程也可用于 I 级和 P 级。
RAZ按难度分为27个级别,AA—C这4个级别对应幼儿园阶段; D—J这7个级别对应美国小学一年级;K—P这6个级别对应美国小学二年级;Q—T这4个级别对应美国小学三年级;U—W这3个级别对应美国小学四年级;X—Z对应美国小学五六年级(相当于国内高中毕业)。