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Why I'm Late Today绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载

2021年11月11日 14:57 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:60
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Why I'm Late Today is the fantastical tale of a young girl who is late to school after a trip to the planet Norbot. After sharing breakfast with the Norbotians and landing the spaceship in the schoolyard, she must explain herself to the school secretary. Colorful and engaging illustrations support the humorous text. Students will have opportunities to identify cause-and-effect relationships as well as to practice retelling skills.

《我今天为什么迟到》讲述了一个年轻女孩在去诺博特星球旅行后上学迟到的奇幻故事。 与诺博提安人共享早餐,飞船降落在校园后,她必须向学校秘书解释自己。 丰富多彩且引人入胜的插图支持幽默的文字。 学生将有机会确定因果关系并练习复述技巧。

Why I'm Late Today绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载


I rushed into the school office.

“Sorry I’m late. I was having breakfast with the Norbotians,” I said.

“Who are the Norbotians?” Mrs. Gage asked

“The aliens—well, creatures—on Norbot,” I explained.

“They’re really very nice,” I added.

Mrs. Gage shook her head.

“You had breakfast with aliens?” she asked

“They invited us. They felt bad after I did a belly flop into their swimming pool,” I said.

“Why did they feel bad?” she asked

“Because it was filled with green slime,” I said.

“They love to swim in green slime, but of course, they’re Norbotians,” I said.

“I see. Well, why did you jump in if it was filled with green slime?” Mrs. Gage asked















