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《More Little Mouse Deer Tales》牛津绘本翻译及pdf资源下载

2021年11月10日 10:18 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:JXL 阅读次数:61
本文给大家分享的绘本故事源自牛津阅读树第七级别,绘本名为《More Little Mouse Deer Tales》,翻译成中文名为:更多关于小鼷鹿的故事,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。




本文给大家分享的绘本故事源自牛津阅读树第七级别,绘本名为《More Little Mouse Deer Tales》,翻译成中文名为:更多关于小鼷鹿的故事,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。


One day, Little Mouse Deer was running through the forest. He was not looking where he was going so he fell into a deeppit. He tried again and again to climb out of the pit but the sides were too steep.

"What am I to do?" he asked himself."I wasn't looking where I was going and now I am stuck in this pit for ever."



Then Little Mouse Deer heard Elephants tomping through the forest and he had an idea.

I will trick Elephant into helpingme out of this deep pit," he said to himself.

"Hello Elephant! he called. “Have you heard the news?"

Elephant was surprised when she heard Little Mouse Deer's call

What news?" she asked.

The sky is falling in," said Little Mouse Deer. Everyone has to finda safe place to hide. I am safedown here. Now you must findsomewhere too."







Elephant looked into the deep pit. She could see there was still plenty of room for her in the pit.

Elephant said, "It's a big pit. Please can I come down there with you?"

Then Little Mouse Deer knew that his trick was working.

" Oh no! "he said, rather crossly. "This is my safe place. You cant come down here."

"Please, "begged Elephant. "There is room for me. Please let me join you."

So then Little Mouse Deer agreed. "All right, Elephant. You can come down."

"Thank you! Thank you! "cried Elephant as she climbed down into the pit.








As soon as Elephant was in the pit.

Little Mouse Deer realised that his trick had worked well. Now he had a way to escape from the pit. He quickly climbed onto Elephant's back, ran up her trunk and jumped right out of the pit.

Then Little Mouse Deer ran off into the forest, but this time he made sure he looked where he was going.




