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The Camel and the Pig英语绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载

2021年11月03日 11:40 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:59
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Is it better to be tall or short? The fable The Camel and the Pig examines this age-old question. In the end, the pig and the camel discover it is great to be yourself. Students have the opportunity to identify the characters as well as connect to prior knowledge. Supportive illustrations, high-frequency words, and simple dialogue support emergent readers.


The Camel and the Pig英语绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载


Once a camel and a pig were talking to each other.


The camel was very proud because he was tall. "Just look at me," he said. "See how tall I am. Don"t you wish you were tall like me?"


"Oh, no," said the pig. "I think it is much better to be short like me."


"Both of us can"t be right," said the camel. "But if I am not right, I will give up my hump."


"And I will give up my snout if I am not right," said the pig.


"Then come with me," said the camel. "I will show you that I am right."


So the tall camel and the short pig went down the road together.


Soon they came to a garden. Around this garden was a high brick wall.


There was no door in the wall. But the camel was so tall that he could see right over the top of the wall. He could see the fine ripe fruit in the garden.


The camel stuck his head over the wall and ate all the fruit he wanted.


The poor pig was so short that he could not reach over the wall. He could not get inside the garden, because there was no door. So he got no fruit.


"Ha, ha!" laughed the camel. "Now, isn"t it better to be tall like me than to be short like you?"


The pig didn"t say a word. They went on a little farther and came to another garden.


The wall around this garden was so high that even the camel could not reach over it.


There was a small door in this wall. The pig pushed the door open with his snout and went in.


This garden was full of ripe fruit, too, and the pig ate all he wanted.


But the poor camel was so tall that he could not get through the door, and so he did not get any of the fruit.


"Ha, ha, ha!" laughed the pig. "Now, isn"t it better to be short like me than to be tall like you?"


The camel didn"t say anything for a long time. At last he said, "Sometimes it"s better to be small. Sometimes it"s better to be tall."


So the camel kept his hump, and the pig kept his snout.



