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Long Ago and Today绘本电子档+音频百度云免费下载

2021年11月02日 16:33 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:0
本文分享Long Ago and Today绘本电子档+音频百度云资源,无需解压,直接下载。接下来就一起看看Long Ago and Today的绘本吧!




Long Ago and Today is about a young boy named Adam and his great-grandma. Adam asks his great-grandma what it was like when she was his age. Many things were different for her, but one thing was the same: they were both lucky enough to be well loved.


Long Ago and Today绘本电子档+音频百度云免费下载


“Great-Grandma, what was it like long ago?

What was it like when you were young like me?”

“Great-Grandma, did you watch TV long ago?”

Did you watch TV when you were young like me?

“No, dear Adam, we did not have TV. I listened to the radio when I was young like you.”

“Great-Grandma, did you fly in an airplane long ago?

Did you fly in an airplane when you were young like me

“No, dear Adam, we did not fly airplanes. I rode on a train when I was young like you.”

“Great-Grandma, did you play video games long ago?

Did you play video games when you were young like me?”

“No, dear Adam, we did not have video games. I played board games when I was young like you.”

“Great-Grandma, did you have plastic toys long ago? Did you have plastic toys when you were young like me?”

“No, dear Adam, we did not have plastic toys. I played with wooden toys when I was young like you.”

“Great-Grandma, were you happy when you were young like me?”

“Yes, Adam, I was happy when I was young like you.”

“I had a grandma who loved me just like I love you.”



















