The classic fairy tale The Three Little Pigs is retold with rich description-featuring the big, bad wolf huffing and puffing to blow down the straw house, the stick house, and the brick house. As expected, the three little pigs live happily ever after in the brick house. Illustrations support the text. This book is one of three multilevel readers. Book and lesson also available at Levels I and M.
经典童话《三只小猪》以丰富的描写重述——大灰狼气喘吁吁地吹倒稻草屋、木棍屋和砖房。 果然,三只小猪从此在砖房里过上了幸福的生活。 插图支持文本。 这本书是三个多层次的读者之一。 书籍和课程也可用于 I 级和 M 级。