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Josh Gets Glasses绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载

2021年10月30日 15:43 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:59
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Josh isn't so sure about getting glasses. Will they make him look silly? Josh Gets Glasses is an engaging story that invites students to consider the many ways glasses help all kinds of people each and every day. This book can be used to teach students to identify the problem and solution in a story and to understand compound words.

乔希对戴眼镜不太确定。 他们会让他看起来很傻吗? Josh Gets Glasses 是一个引人入胜的故事,它邀请学生思考眼镜每天如何帮助各种各样的人。 本书可用于教学生识别故事中的问题和解决方案,并理解复合词。

Josh Gets Glasses绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载


The eye doctor said I need glasses. I told her , "No way I will look silly." She went on to tell me more.


She said,"Lots of people wear glasses. They don't look silly." Some basketball players wear glasses. Glasses help them see better to score a basket. Glasses help them see better to catch the ball


Some firefighters wear glasses. Glasses help them see better to fight fires. Glasses help them see better to find people in burning buildinds.


Some police offices wear glasses. Glasses help them see better to keep us safe. Some airplane pilots wear glasses. Glasses help them see better to fly safely. Some cowboy wear glasses. Glasses help them see better to round up cattle.

Even some of your friends wear glasses. Glasses help them see better to read and write and do math.


Lots of people wear wear glasses. Glasses help them see better. They don't look silly. They are don't look funny. They look…just like…me! I think I'm going to like my newglasses, Josh said.

很多人穿戴眼镜。眼镜帮助他们更好地阅读,他们看起来不傻。他们看起来很有意思。他们看起来……就像我! 我认为我将会喜欢我的新眼镜


