Bear and Kangaroo tells the story of two animal friends who are always trying to outdo each other. Charming illustrations show that the competition is good-natured. Repeated sentence patterns and character dialogue make this a fun book to read.
熊和袋鼠讲述了两个动物朋友总是试图超越对方的故事。 迷人的插图表明比赛是善意的。 重复的句型和人物对话使这本书读起来很有趣。
"I am the best,"said Kangaroo."I am better,"said Bear.
"I can make a mean face,"said Kangaroo."I can make a meaner face,"said Bear.
"I catch fish,"said Kangaroo."I can catch more fish,"said Bear.
"I can eat lots of berries,"said Kangaroo."I can eat more berries,"said Bear.
"I can climb up high,"said Kangaroo."I can climb up higher,"said Bear.
"I can juggle three balls,"said Kangaroo."I can juggle six balls,"said Bear.
"I can lift a goat,"said Kangaroo."I canlift six goats,"said Bear.
"I can hop high,"said Kangaroo."I can,too,"said Bear.