Swamps are a varied and diverse part of the global landscape. Swamps provides students with an introduction to the many ways this unique habitat supports the health of our planet. The book can also be used to teach students how to determine the main idea and supporting details and to effectively ask and answer questions.
沼泽是全球景观中多种多样的组成部分。 Swamps 向学生介绍了这个独特的栖息地支持地球健康的多种方式。 本书还可用于教学生如何确定主要思想和支持细节,以及如何有效地提问和回答问题。
Swamps are areas of wet and dry land.沼泽是潮湿和干燥的土地。
Swamps can have fresh water.沼泽可以有淡水。
Swamps can have s lt wate.沼泽会有水的。
Swamps can have many plants.沼泽里有很多植物。
Swamps can have many animals.沼泽里有很多动物。
Swamps help the soil stay healthy.沼泽有助于土壤保持健康。
Swamps help the air stay clean.沼泽有助于保持空气清洁。
Swamps help the water stay clean.沼泽有助于保持水的清洁。
Swamps help the land stay dry.沼泽有助于土地保持干燥。
Swamps help Earth stay healthy.沼泽帮助地球保持健康。