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《The Fox and the Gulls》绘本内容翻译及pdf资源下载

2021年10月23日 15:34 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:JXL 阅读次数:112
本文给大家分享的资源是海尼曼分级绘本G2级别中Level M的一本《The Fox and the Gulls》,中文名为:狐狸和海鸥,pdf格式,百度网盘免费资源,直接下载即可。




本文给大家分享的资源是海尼曼分级绘本G2级别中Level M的一本《The Fox and the Gulls》,中文名为:狐狸和海鸥,pdf格式,百度网盘免费资源,直接下载即可。

G2系列(Blue System):共120本,分为Level C—Level N,十三个层次。60%小说故事以及40%非小说。



Long ago. Fox lived in a little reed hut on the shore of a large lake.Early one spring morning,the sound of splashing water startled Fox.

"The gulls are back!" Fox cried. "It's been a long winter." His stomach rumbled at the thought of a tasty gull breakfast. "I just need to wait a bit longer." Fox said to himself.

"Soon I will have a tasty feast!"




From a distance,Fox watched Mother Gull build a nest of twigs and reeds. When she finished.Mother Gull laid her eggs.


Some weeks later.Fox heard the cries of newborn gull chicks.

"Those gulls will be delicious."Fox said to himself."I just need to wait a bit longer. Soon I will have a tasty feast!"



One day.Mother Gull flew off to find food for her chicks.Fox ran to the nest and scooped up the baby gulls.He put the chicks in an old sack.Then Fox ran back to his little reed hut.


Fox was very tired by the time he got home.

"I'm too tired to cook,"he said."I need to rest before I fix dinner." He dropped the sack of chicks beside the pile of wood outside his doorway. He went inside his hut to take a nap.

While Fox slept.the baby chicks cried for help.




Mother Gull heard her babies cries.She flew as fast as she could to Fox's hut.

"Shhh!" Mother Gull whispered."Don't cry. my little ones."

Mother Gull took the baby chicks out of the sack.She carried them one by one to an island in the middle of the lake. Fox could not reach them there!




When all the chicks were safely on the island. Mother Gull flew back to Fox's hut.

"I will teach that mean Fox a lesson." she said.

She filled the sack with thomy branches.




Fox woke up.He was very hungry.He went outside and opened the sack.But when Fox reached down to grab a chick.he got a paw full of thorns instead!

"Ouch!"he cried."Where is my tasty treat?"

Fox looked toward the lake.There were Mother Gull and her chicks watching him from the island.

“Mother Gull has tricked me!”Fox cried."I must teach her a lesson."





Fox could not swim across to the island to steal the baby chiks again.So he came up with a clever idea.

"I'll drink the lake dry!"he said.smiling to himself."Then I can walk to the island."

Fox drank and drank. He drank all day.He drank all night.But the lake stayed full of water.




The next morning.Mother Gull and her chicks work up on the island.They looked back at the shore and saw Fox.He was so full of water that he looked like a balloon!



