Comparing numbers using groups and numerals are important math skills for young students. In Greater Than, students will learn how to compare numbers by counting vegetables from a garden. The book can also be used to teach students how to compare and contrast and how to properly use comparative adjectives in sentences. It can also be used in conjunction with math lessons to reinforce reading as an element of math.
使用组和数字比较数字是年轻学生的重要数学技能。 在“大于”中,学生将学习如何通过数菜园中的蔬菜来比较数字。 本书还可以用来教学生如何比较和对比,以及如何在句子中正确使用比较形容词。 它也可以与数学课结合使用,以加强阅读作为数学的一个元素。
Many vegetables grow in the garden.花园里种了许多蔬菜。
Compare the numbers to find which one is greater比较一下数字,找出哪个更大
There are two beets.有两个甜菜。
There are five carrots.有五个胡萝卜。
Five is greater than two.五大于二。
There are three yams有三个山药
There are four onions有四个洋葱
Four is greater than three四大于三
There are six beans有六颗豆子
There is one pepper有一个胡椒
Six is greater than one.六大于一。
Which group of vegetables has more than any other?哪一种蔬菜比其他任何一种都多?
Which number is the greatest?哪个数字最大?