Buddy is an old and beloved stuffed animal who is starting to fall apart. In Buddy the Bear, a girl and her parents find creative ways to keep Buddy in one piece. Colorful illustrations, simple sentences, and repetitive phrasing provide support for early emergent readers. This story can be used to teach students about comparing and contrasting and simple subjects.
Buddy 是一种古老而受人喜爱的毛绒玩具,它开始分崩离析。 在《熊巴迪》中,一个女孩和她的父母想方设法将巴迪融为一体。 丰富多彩的插图、简单的句子和重复的措辞为早期的新兴读者提供了支持。 这个故事可以用来教学生比较、对比和简单的主题。
Buddy the Bear was an old teddy bear.巴蒂是一只熊,是一只旧的泰迪熊。
Buddy the Bear began to fall apart.巴蒂熊开始散开了。
Buddy the Bear lost an arm.巴蒂熊失去了一只胳膊。
We gave him a new one.我们给了他一个新的。
Buddy the Bear lost an ear.巴蒂熊掉了一只耳朵。
We gave him a new one.我们给了他一个新的。
Buddy the Bear lost an eye.巴蒂熊失去了一只眼睛。
We gave him a new one.我们给了他一个新的。
Buddy the Bear looked different than before.巴蒂熊看起来和以前不一样了。
We still loved Buddy the Bear just as much.