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Bees Feed Me绘本电子书+音频资源免费下载

2021年10月21日 16:37 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:135
本文分享Bees Feed Me绘本电子书+音频百度云资源,无需解压,直接下载即可。接下来就一起看看Bees Feed Me的绘本吧!

Have you ever seen bees buzzing around outside? Did you know they actually have an important job when it comes to our food? In Bees Feed Me, students will learn why bees are important to plants that make different types of food we eat. The simple sentences and interesting photographs will support early emergent readers. While learning about this interesting topic, students will have the opportunity to identify the author's purpose as well as to ask and answer questions to better understand the text.
你见过蜜蜂在外面嗡嗡叫吗? 你知道他们实际上在我们的食物方面有一份重要的工作吗? 在 Bees Feed Me 中,学生将了解为什么蜜蜂对生产我们食用的不同类型食物的植物很重要。 简单的句子和有趣的照片将支持早期的读者。 在学习这个有趣的话题时,学生将有机会确定作者的目的,并提出和回答问题以更好地理解文本。

Bees Feed Me绘本电子书+音频资源免费下载


