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The old man儿童英语歌曲MP3音频免费下载

2021年10月20日 15:06 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:50
The old man儿童英语歌曲MP3音频免费下载,有纯正的英语发音和优美的音乐旋律,帮助锻炼小孩的英语听力和英语语感,寓教于乐,有需要的可以将免费资源下载到百度网盘查看,操作简单快捷。

The old man儿童英语歌曲内容:

this old man, he played three,

he played knick-knack on my tree;

with a knick-knack paddywhack,

give a dog a bone,

this old man came rolling home.

this old man, he played four,

he played knick-knack on my door;

with a knick-knack paddywhack,

give a dog a bone,

this old man came rolling home.

this old man, he played five,

he played knick-knack on my hive;

with a knick-knack paddywhack,

give a dog a bone,

this old man came rolling home.

this old man, he played six,

he played knick-knack on my sticks;

with a knick-knack paddywhack,

give a dog a bone,

this old man came rolling home.

this old man, he played seven,

he played knick-knack up to heaven;

with a knick-knack paddywhack,

give a dog a bone,

this old man came rolling home.

this old man, he played eight,

he played knick-knack on my plate;

with a knick-knack paddywhack,

give a dog a bone,

this old man came rolling home.


