Animals are a fascinating topic for readers of all ages. How Frogs Grow presents the life cycle of a frog in simple terms suited for a young child. The book starts as a frog lays her eggs and follows the journey as they make a remarkable transformation from tadpoles to frogs. In addition to reading skills, this book teaches valuable science knowledge. Informative pictures and concise language support early emergent readers.
对于所有年龄段的读者来说,动物都是一个引人入胜的话题。 How Frogs Grow 以适合幼儿的简单术语呈现青蛙的生命周期。 这本书从一只青蛙产卵开始,然后跟随他们从蝌蚪到青蛙的非凡转变的旅程。 除了阅读技巧外,这本书还教授了宝贵的科学知识。 信息丰富的图片和简洁的语言支持早期的新兴读者。