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2021年10月19日 15:53 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:RF 阅读次数:49



一、 Big or small

Ball, ball, is it big or small? It's small, small, small.

Pig, pig, is it big or small? It's big, big, big.

二、 Teacher and student

T-E-A-C-H-E-R, teacher .

The teacher teaches English.

S-T-U-D-E-N-T, student.

The students learn English.

三、 I have a pencil, me too!

I have a pencil, me too!

1 have a book, me too!

I have a ruler, me too!

I have a bag, me too!

I'm going to school, me too!

四、 Boy and girl

He and she, he and she.

He is a boy.

B-O-Y boy.

She is a girl.

G-I-R-L, girl, girl, girl, I'm a girl.

Boys and girls, boys and girls. We're friends.

五, One two three four five

One two! Go to school.

One two three! Go to see.

One two three four!

Go and open the door.

One two three four five!

Please get me a knife.

六、 Let's all be a family

Let's go, boys.Let's all be a family

Let's go, girls.

Let's all be a family.

Who plays father?

Who plays mother?

Who play brother and sister?

I am the father.

I am the mother.

We are brother and sister.



