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2021年10月19日 15:56 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:RF 阅读次数:158


1. 加法 (addition) 与加法相关的词汇有:加数(addend), 加号(plus sign/plus) 与和数/和(sum)。表示“加”,可以用动词add,介词plus,和连词and。常见的表达方法有:

1) 8+2 = ? 八加二得/等于多少?

a. What’ s eight plus two?

b. How much is eight plus two?

2) 8 + 2 = 10 八加二得/等于十。

a. Eight plus two is/makes ten.

b. Eight and two is/makes ten.

c. Eight plus two is equal to ten.

d. Eight plus two equals ten.

e. If you add eight and/to two, you get ten.

f. Add eight and/to two, and you’ 11 get ten.

3) 8 + 2 = ? 八加二的和是多少?

What’ s the sum of eight and two?

4) 8+2= 10 八加二的和为十。

The sum of eight and two is ten.


You need a plus sign/plus there.


There should be a plus sign/plus there.

2. 减法 (subtraction) 与减法相关的词汇有:减数 (subtrahend). 减号 (minus sign/minus)与数/差(difference)。 表示“减”,可以用动词subtract... from, 和介词minus, from。常见的表达方法有:

1) 8-2=?八减二得/等于多少?

a. What’ s eight minus two?

b. How much is eight minus two?

2) 8 - 2=6 八减二得/等于/剩/余六。

a. Eight minus two is/makes six.

b. Two subtracted from eight is six.

c. Two from eight is six.

d. Eight minus two is equal to six.

e. Eight minus two equals/leaves six.

f. If you subtract two from eight, you get six.

g. Subtract two from eight, and you’ 11 get six.

3) 8 - 2 = ? 八减二的差是多少?

What’s the difference between eight and two?



