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Fancy Nancy: Poet Extraordinaire!绘本电子档+音频免费下载

2022年07月22日 09:45 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:47
本文分享Fancy Nancy: Poet Extraordinaire!绘本电子档+音频百度云资源,无需解压,可直接下载。接下来就一起看看南希到底多有诗意吧!




Fancy Nancy Clancy is so poetic, even her name rhymes. And with limericks, couplets, free verse and more, poetry is plenty fancy! So when her teacher Ms. Glass assigns Nancy and her classmates to come up with their very own poems, Nancy is determined to write one that is superb. But what happens when she can’t think of a good idea? Complete with Nancy’s very own Poetry Anthology, FANCY NANCY: POET EXTRAORDINAIRE! shows how a true love of words can be très fancy. Ooh la la! And with a little inspiration, which is fancy for something that helps you get good ideas, Fancy Nancy just might be a Poet Extraordinaire after a......


Fancy Nancy: Poet Extraordinaire!绘本电子档+音频免费下载


