It was Spring, and the forest was alive with news. Every- one was excited. " It' s happened! " " Have you heard?" " Over in the thicket! " " Come and see! " A magpie flew by old Owl, who was taking his daily nap. " Wake up, Friend Owl! The young Prince is born! Come on! You'd better hurry!
春天到了,森林里充满了新闻。每个人都很兴奋。“事情已经发生了!”“你听说了吗?”“在灌木丛里!”“来看看!"一只喜鹊从老猫头鹰身边飞过,老猫头鹰每天都在打盹. "醒醒,朋友猫头鹰!年轻的王子诞生了!来啊!你最好快点!
Now, Owl preferred to spend the day at home-fast asleep. But when he heard the news, he woke right up and flew to the thicket. " After all, it isn't every day a young Prince is born. "
As the animals quietly approached the shady glen,they saw a newborn baby deer sleeping by his proud mother. She gently nudged the tiny fawn and whispered, " Wake up. You have visitors. "
The fawn slowly opened his new eyes. Then he got up, his new legs still shaky, and looked around curiously at the creatures who had come to admire him.
A friendly baby rabbit named Thumper hopped over to the mother deer. " What're you going to call him?"
" I think I ' ll name him Bambi. "