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The Three Little Pigs英文绘本故事PDF+音频资源下载

2021年09月28日 11:08 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:0
本文分享The Three Little Pigs英文绘本故事PDF+音频百度网盘资源,无需解压,直接下载。接下来就一起看看这本经典的三只小猪的故事吧!




Once upon a time there were Three Little Pigs who went out into the big world to build their homes and seek their fortunes. Their names were Fifer Pig, Fiddler Pig and Practical Pig. Fifer Pig did not like to work at all. So he built himself a quick and easy house of straw.

很久以前,有三只小猪来到这个大世界,建造他们的家园,寻找他们的财富。它们的名字分别是Fifer Pig, Fiddler Pig 和 Practical Pig。肥猪根本不喜欢工作。所以他给自己建了一个简易的稻草房子。

" I build my house of straw. I build my house of hay. I toot my flute and don't give a hoot, and I play around all day. "


Fifer Pig then danced off down the road to see how his brothers were getting along. He found Fiddler Pig building himself a house, too. Fiddler Pig didn't like to work any more than his brother, so he was building a quick and easy house of sticks.

Fifer Pig 跳着舞,看哥哥们如何。他发现提琴手猪也在给自己盖房子。提琴手猪和他的兄弟一样不喜欢工作,所以他正在建造一个快捷简单的柴火屋。

" I build my house of sticks. I build my house of twigs. With a Hey-diddle-diddle I play on my fiddle and I dance all kinds of jigs. " Soon the house of sticks was finished. Like the house of straw, it was not very strong, but at least the work was done.


The Three Little Pigs英文绘本故事PDF+音频资源下载


